Cumulus NetQ Demo

This demo will install Cumulus Linux NetQ Fabric Validation System using the Cumulus reference topology. Please visit the reference topology github page for detailed instructions on using Cumulus Vx with Vagrant.

Cumulus Reference Topology

Don't want to run it locally? You can also run this demo in Cumulus In the Cloud

Table of Contents


Using Virtualbox

  • Add the downloaded box to vagrant via: vagrant box add --name=cumulus/ts
    Note: You must first manually download the Telemetry Server Vagrant box file from the Cumulus Networks Download Page

Using Libvirt+KVM

  • Rename Vagrantfile-kvm to Vagrantfile replacing the existing Vagrantfile that is used for Virtualbox.
  • Install the Vagrant mutate plugin with vagrant plugin install vagrant-mutate
  • Convert the existing NetQ telemetry server box image to a libvirt compatible version. vagrant mutate libvirt
  • Rename the new Vagrant box image by changing the Vagrant directory name. mv $HOME/.vagrant.d/boxes/cumulus-netq-telemetry-server-amd64-1.1.0-vagrant/ $HOME/.vagrant.d/boxes/cumulus-VAGRANTSLASH-ts

Running the Demo

  • The Telemetry Server replaces the oob-mgmt-server in the topology.
  • cd cldemo-netq
  • vagrant up oob-mgmt-server oob-mgmt-switch
  • vagrant up (bringing up the oob-mgmt-server and switch first prevent DHCP issues)
  • vagrant ssh oob-mgmt-server


The first demo is based on BGP-EVPN with VxLAN Routing. EVPN Logical Topology

Server01 and Server03 are in VLAN13, connected via VxLAN (VNI13).
Server02 and Server04 are in VLAN24, also connected via VxLAN (VNI24).

All four leaf switches are configured with anycast gateways for both VLAN13 and VLAN24.

Server01 has the IP
Server02 has the IP
Server03 has the IP
Server04 has the IP

To provision this demo, from the oob-mgmt-server

  • cd evpn
  • ansible-playbook run_demo.yml

After the playbook finishes, you can run a number of tests to view connectivity
From server01:

  • ping (server03)
  • ping (server04)
  • traceroute
  • traceroute

Notice the path from server01 to server03 is direct, while server01 to server04 passes through an extra hop (the gateway at

From leaf01:

  • netq check bgp
  • netq check evpn
  • ip route show | netq resolve to view the routing table with NetQ hostname resolution
  • netq server03 show ip neighbors to view the ARP table of server03. This should include an entry for (note: the MAC address you see may be different from these examples)
cumulus@leaf01:mgmt-vrf:~$ netq server03 show ip neighbors
Matching neighbor records are:
IP Address       Hostname         Interface            Mac Address              VRF              Remote Last Changed
---------------- ---------------- -------------------- ------------------------ ---------------- ------ ----------------       server03         uplink               44:38:39:00:00:03        default          no     9m:8.903s        server03         uplink               44:38:39:00:00:24        default          no     7m:24.415s        server03         uplink               32:3e:76:e2:7b:ae        default          no     6m:58.210s    server03         eth0                 44:38:39:00:00:5f        default          no     9m:57.746s
  • netq trace 44:38:39:00:00:03 from leaf03 (this should be the MAC address of server01's uplink bond interface)
cumulus@leaf01:mgmt-vrf:~$ netq trace 44:38:39:00:00:03 from leaf03
leaf03 -- leaf03:vni13 -- leaf03:swp51 -- spine01:swp1 -- leaf01:vni13 -- leaf01:bond01 -- server01
                                       -- spine01:swp2 -- leaf02:vni13 -- leaf02:bond01 -- server01
                       -- leaf03:swp52 -- spine02:swp1 -- leaf01:vni13 -- leaf01:bond01 -- server01
                                       -- spine02:swp2 -- leaf02:vni13 -- leaf02:bond01 -- server01
Path MTU is 1500

On leaf01 misconfigure EVPN

net del bgp evpn advertise-all-vni
net commit

And check that BGP is still working as expected
netq check bgp

And that EVPN is misconfigured
netq check evpn

Correct the EVPN misconfiguration

net add bgp evpn advertise-all-vni
net commit

Verify that EVPN is functional (this may take up to 30 seconds) netq check evpn

Now, on leaf01 shut down the link to spine01
sudo ifdown swp51

Wait 5-10 seconds for NetQ to export the data.

With NetQ, check BGP again and you should see two failed sessions.
netq check bgp

Again, run the NetQ traceroute that was run earlier netq trace 44:38:39:00:00:03 from leaf03 and notice that there are two paths through spine02 but only a single path through spine01 now.

View the changes to the fabric as a result of shutting down the interface
netq spine01 show changes between 1s and 5m note the interface state on spine01 may not change because of the virtual environment, but the BGP peer will still fail.

Next, from spine02:
Change the MTU on the interface

net add interface swp3 mtu 9000
net commit

If we check BGP again, we still have only two failed sessions: leaf01 and spine01.
netq check bgp

If we run the traceroute again, we will see the MTU failure in the path
netq trace 44:38:39:00:00:03 from leaf03
If you need to get the MAC address again use netq server03 show ip neighbors and use the entry for

Again, you can see the changes with netq spine02 show changes between 1s and 5m

Docker Swarm + Routing on the Host Demo

The second demo relies on Cumulus Host Pack to install Quagga and NetQ on each server. The servers speak eBGP unnumbered to the local top of rack switches.

If any existing demos have already been provisioned, the lab must be rebuilt. On your VM host run vagrant destroy -f leaf01 leaf02 leaf03 leaf04 spine01 spine02 server01 server02 server03 server04 then recreate a fresh environment with vagrant up

Docker + Routing on the Host

Just as described in the Reference Topology diagram, each server is configured with a /32 loopback IP and BGP ASN.

After BGP is configured on the hosts, Docker CE is automatically installed and Docker Swarm is configured.

Within Docker Swarm, server01 acts as the Swarm Manager while server02, server03 and server04 act as Swarm Workers.

Swarm deploys an Apache service. The service creates three apache containers which are deployed on various nodes in the swarm.

To provision this demo, from the oob-mgmt-server

  • cd docker (roh for Routing On the Host)
  • ansible-playbook run_demo.yml

From server01:

  • sudo docker node ls to verify that all four servers are in the swarm
  • sudo docker service ps apache_web to see the three apache containers deployed

Log into to Quagga on server01:

  • sudo docker exec -it cumulus-roh /usr/bin/vtysh to attach to the Quagga process
  • show ip bgp summary to view the BGP peers
  • show ip bgp to view the BGP routes
  • exit to log out of quagga

Now use NetQ to verify Docker settings. On spine01:
netq show docker summary to see the nodes with docker installed and brief information about them
netq show docker swarm cluster to see the members of the cluster
netq show docker swarm node to view the the members of the cluster and their roles
netq show docker container network host to view the containers with host networking, which shows the Quagga containers
netq show docker service to view the currently running services (only apache_web in this demo)
netq show docker service name apache_web connectivity to view all of the containers named apache_web and their connectivity
netq leaf02 show docker container adjacent interface swp1 to see the containers that are adjacent to the leaf02, swp1 interface (the containers deployed on server01)

Now, connect to server03 and shut down the link to leaf04
sudo ifdown eth2

Wait 10-20 seconds for NetQ to export the data and look at the impact of removing leaf03 from the network netq leaf03 show impact docker service apache_web The red indicates that removing leaf03 from service would bring down server03 and the attached containers

cumulus@server03:~$ netq leaf03 show impact docker service apache_web
apache_web -- apache_web.1.l8xmatcfr6pupt3ebz3ffwalt -- server01 -- leaf01
                                                                 -- leaf02
           -- apache_web.3.mv1dtjeiveo6b9rjk83r1j0qe -- server02 -- leaf01
                                                                 -- leaf02
           -- apache_web.2.ao5423a8lea294mpli2qv6i0p -- server03 -- leaf03

Now, still on server03, run the Docker "hello world" example to create and destroy a container.
sudo docker run --name test hello-world

And view the changes to the container environment
netq server03 show docker container changes

You will see apache_web (with trailing characters) from the Docker Swarm, cumulus-roh the routing on the host container and test the container we just created and destroyed.

To view changes to Docker Swarm we can change the number of nodes apache_web is running on. From server01 run:
sudo docker service scale apache_web=2

This will change the environment from 3 apache_web containers to two.

View the updated cluster with netq show docker service and notice that only 2 replicas are running.

cumulus@server01:~$ netq show docker service
Matching service records are:
Service Name    Manager    Cluster    Mode          Replicas  Running
--------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------
apache_web      server01   default    Replicated           2  2

Next, scale the swarm up to 4 containers. Still on server01 run:
sudo docker service scale apache_web=4

Wait up to 30 seconds and see the cluster change

cumulus@server01:~$ netq show docker service
Matching service records are:
Service Name    Manager    Cluster    Mode          Replicas  Running
--------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ---------
apache_web      server01   default    Replicated           4  4

NetQ also allows us to see the changes to the specific service (note: the specific servers listed here may be different in your environment, but two "Add" entries should exist)

cumulus@server01:~$ netq show docker container service apache_web changes between 1s and 5m
Matching container records are:
Container Name       Hostname   Container IP      IP Masq  Network Name   Service Name   DBState  Last changed
-------------------- ---------- ----------------- -------- -------------- -------------- -------- ---------------
apache_web.4.lqxi3jo server03        False    ingress        apache_web     Add      2m:49.193s
apache_web.3.s470yqg server01       False    ingress        apache_web     Add      3m:13.973s

Going further back in time we can also see the cluster being scaled down

cumulus@server01:~$ netq show docker container service apache_web changes between 1s and 10m
Matching container records are:
Container Name       Hostname   Container IP      IP Masq  Network Name   Service Name   DBState  Last changed
-------------------- ---------- ----------------- -------- -------------- -------------- -------- ---------------
apache_web.4.lqxi3jo server03        False    ingress        apache_web     Add      4m:1.125s
apache_web.3.s470yqg server01       False    ingress        apache_web     Add      4m:25.792s
apache_web.3.y241cpk server01        False    ingress        apache_web     Del      8m:50.497s

Finally, you can view the service in the past when only two instances were running

cumulus@server01:~$ netq show docker container service apache_web around 15m
Matching container records are:
Container Name       Hostname   Container IP      IP Masq  Network Name   Service Name    UpTime
-------------------- ---------- ----------------- -------- -------------- --------------- ---------------
apache_web.1.hbqiy94 server02        False    ingress        apache_web      0:27:26
apache_web.2.vkiiim6 server04        False    ingress        apache_web      0:27:25

Troubleshooting + FAQ

  • The Vagrantfile expects the telemetry server to be named cumulus/ts. If you get the following error
could not be accessed in the remote catalog. If this is a private
box on HashiCorp's Atlas, please verify you're logged in via
`vagrant login`. Also, please double-check the name. The expanded
URL and error message are shown below:

URL: [""]
Error: The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found

Please ensure you have the telemetry server downloaded and installed in Vagrant. Use vagrant box list to see the current Vagrant box images you have installed.

  • vagrant ssh fails to network devices - This is expected, as each network device connects through the oob-mgmt-server. Use vagrant ssh oob-mgmt-server then ssh to the specific network device.
  • If you log into a switch and are prompted for the password for the vagrant user, issue the command su - cumulus to change to the cumulus user on the oob-mgmt-server
  • The Docker demo fails on server01 with an error similar to the following
Wednesday 06 September 2017  03:03:56 +0000 (0:00:00.567)       0:00:44.092 ***
fatal: [server01]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["docker", "service", "create", "--name", "apache_web", "--replicas", "3", "--publish", "8080:80", "php:5.6-apache"], "delta": "0:00:02.673790", "end": "2017-09-06 03:03:58.934894", "failed": true, "rc": 1, "start": "2017-09-06 03:03:56.261104", "stderr": "Error response from daemon: rpc error: code = 3 desc = port '8080' is already in use by service 'apache_web' (vviesw72piif37ip8wplod2dn) as an ingress port", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": [], "warnings": []}

The Docker playbook can only be run once without reprovisioning the environment. The error can be ignored. If you need to rebuild the environment, please vagrant destroy and then vagrant up