
The official github page for the MovieClipX library for Corona SDK

Primary LanguageLua


MovieClipX (mcx) is a very slick library based off the original MovieClip library for Corona SDK. It adds a few very awesome features including

  • mcx objects. A MovieClip master object capable of housing multiple different MovieClip animations.
  • Retina display support.
  • Animation speed control.
  • And more features coming soon.

Usage Tutorial

I'd recommend following the tutorial listed here to learn the proper way to use MovieClipX.

Extra tip: to automatically scale down your graphics for older phones use my utility MultiRezer instead of doing your sprites one by one! MultiRezer download: http://project239.com/multirezer



Creates a new mcx object

myMCXObject:newAnim(newAnim("animation_name", {frames}, width, height, speed)

Creates a new animation in an mcx object

myMCXObject:play("animation_name"[, params])

Plays an animation in an mcx object. You can use the secon argument (optional) to specify parameters. These are the same parameters as in the original movieclip library.


Pauses the current animation in an mcx object


Toggles between the playing/paused states


Stops an animation in an mcx object


Returns the name of the current animation


Returns the number of the current frame


Returns a boolean with the current paused state


Returns a boolean with the current playing state


Enable terminal output for your mcx object


Disable terminal output for your mcx object


Garet McKinley (iGARET.com)

Not satisfied?

If you've found a problem or want to make a suggestion please by all means, do so! I love to hear feedback! It's what makes it grow with features that people really need.

Thanks for using the MovieClipX library!