This is a Sina Weibo spider based on selenium.
- few codes, easy to understand
- less requirements
- provide Chinese version's instruction
- Users are required to be able to access to Google for the first time use
- Chrome are running during the process, which may takes up large memory
- Users have to sign in Weibo manually
- Due to UCS-2 format in the text, in order to avoid error, every word will be printed on the screen
- Cannot download pictures or videos
- timeline can be disordered
Windows Linux Mac OS
- Configure your environment, make sure every step is correct. At least Chrome can be debuged by selenium.
- (If you have any question, please Google or Baidu)
- Edit "", change the url into your url.
- (Note: the url has to be in mobile version with a "/p/" in it.)
- (You can easily find this url if you click their avator in their comments)
- Save the python file above and run "python"
- type "" and login your weibo account quickly.
- DO NOT CLOSE THIS TAB untill first step is all done.
- You can check the "link.xlsx" after the first step is over
- run "python" and you will find everything is DONE!
If you have any questions about the code, or any suggestions. It will be my pleasure to have a discussion in the "issue" part. But if you have problems in process this program, I am so sorry. Every PC have different environment, just check out Google please. Please respect everyone's time.
- 配置环境。注意如果你不能获取Chrome版本的selenium调试文件,我建议你换成Firefox,并将代码中的Chrome()换成Firefox()
- 编辑"",把url换成你要爬取的博主的url
- (注意:这个url带有/p/,你可以在手机版网页下,点击评论中博主的头像找到这个网址,记得无限下拉是可以看到全部微博的哦)
- 保存文件,执行"python"
- 在浏览器中输入,并立刻登录!且不要关闭这个网址!
- 执行"python",当然你也可以先去看看"link.xlsx",第一步是否正常运行
- 完成!