- 0
[TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '_rnScannerAndroid.RNDocScanner.getDocumentCrop
#11 opened by brandtiwari007 - 0
auto detect do not show desirable result
#10 opened by Ahmad5448 - 3
getDocumentCrop rotated on some devices
#7 opened by tomm1996 - 2
Not Working on react-native version 0.60
#9 opened by jinishalj - 0
HELP detect take too much time but doesn't show the appropriate result ,, and camera stop working when RNDocScanner.getDocumentCrop(true) -_- .. (os-kitkat)
#8 opened by zahidahmed024 - 11
Compilation error with RN 0.57
#5 opened by zedtux - 0
Publish your package
#4 opened by zedtux - 1
Add examples.
#2 opened by tskorupka