
CMGTools as a subsystem, not as a CMSSW overlay

Primary LanguagePython

VV statistical analysis in 10X


Prepare the working directory with Higgs Combine Tools. Use the 10X release compatible with the UHH framework. If you have that already installed you do not need to check out the CMSSW release again.

mkdir VVAnalysisWith2DFit
mkdir CMGToolsForStat10X
cd CMGToolsForStat10X
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc700
cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_10
cd CMSSW_10_2_10/src
git clone https://github.com/cms-analysis/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit.git HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
git fetch origin
git checkout v8.0.0
scramv1 b clean && scramv1 b -j 8

NB: currently under test: https://github.com/IreneZoi/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit.git branch my_102x with the commit https://github.com/IreneZoi/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit/commit/157d5e0849eb3e03811ca638c00e8470903d958c to manage to have a workspace with all the needed categories

Fork cmgtools from https://github.com/Diboson3D/cmgtools-lite and checkout the VV statistical tools

cd ../..
export GITUSER=`git config user.github`
git clone https://github.com/${GITUSER}/cmgtools-lite CMGTools
cd CMGTools
git remote add Diboson3D https://github.com/Diboson3D/cmgtools-lite
# execute the following command:
# git branch
# and make sure that you are on VV_VH_revised
git fetch Diboson3D
git checkout -b VV_VH_revised Diboson3D/VV_VH_revised
scram b -j 8
cd VVResonances/interactive

NB to run on the 3 Run2 years some changes have been made and the soft link below should point to the folder cointaining the years subfolder

ln -s samples_location simboliklinkname

Current sample location with random sorting of jet1 and jet2


NOTE: the latest version of tha ntuples has _jetid in the directory name. To run on those, make a symbolic link for each year as

ln -s /eos/cms/store/cmst3/group/exovv/VVtuple/FullRun2VVVHNtuple/deepAK8V2/2016_jetid/ 2016

and user your current directory as basedir.

Before running, initialiaze the basedir variable in makeInputs.py to your simboliklinkname

Important: many of the following commands may take a long time to complete. It is recommended to use screen or tmux sessions if you are running locally

Make inclusive control plots with data

Control plots to check data versus MC agreement with just preselections applied can be made for several variables with the script make-control-plots-submit.py where the list of observables can be found and/or modified.

To plot one variable (ex: the jet 1 mass) for one year (ex: 2016) run:

python make-control-plots.py -y 2016 -v jj_l1_softDrop_mass

A folder called control-plots-2016 will contain the plot in several formats. This takes about 1 hour to run (all year data and MC including all QCD samples flavour). If it was done once and you just want to change in the script the plotting style or legends you can use the option -H and it will load the histograms from saved root files.

To plot all variables listed in the script for one year (ex: 2016) it is better to parallelize sending one condor job per each observable as:

python make-control-plots.py -y 2016 -s

By default, the non-VBF preselections and plots are run. To make plots with the VBF selections to also obtain control plots of VBF jets observables in addition, you have to add option --vbf.

When running over multiple years simultaneously the year label is added to the output folders. If additional labels are needed (for instance when running simultaneously VBF and non VBF for the same year) an additional label can be added with -l.

Make inputs to 3D fit

The makeInputs.py script allows to create all the simulation templates, normalizations and data inputs. To run on a single year use -p "year", to run on more years separate them with a coma. Except for signals, when running on Run2, use the batch submission and the option --sendjobs False to merge the batch jobs. In the script it is possible to select on which analysis category(*) to run with the option -c. By default the script runs on the 5 main ggDY categories. If the option --vbf is used the VBF version of the categories specified with -c are also produced. In general, use --vbf to produce the normalizations also for VBF categories and not for making templates. The option --vv runs on VV categories without veto on VH.

(*) This specific analysis has 10 categories. First events are divided in two orthogonal subtagories depending on the resonance production mode: Vector Bososn Fusion (VBF) vs gluon-gluon fusion (ggF) and Drell-Yan. These two categories are then subdivided into 5 tagging categories depending on the type (W/Z->qq or H/Z->bb) and the purity of the tagging. The 5 tagging categories are: VH HPHP, VV HPHP, VH LPHP, VH HPLP, VV HPLP.

1. Make the normalizations

  • QCD (in batch it will automatically produce pythia, madgraph and herwig)

python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "qcdnorm" --vbf

  • V+jets:

make SF (need a directory called migrationunc, it is long and not set up for batch):

python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "vjetsSF"

make normalization: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "vjetsnorm" --vbf

make migration uncertainty file: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "vjetsMU"

  • ttbar:

make SF (need a directory called migrationunc, it is long and not set up for batch): python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "ttSF"

make normalization for all ttbar contributions: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "ttnorm" --vbf

make normalization for inclusive ttbar contributions: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "ttnorm" -t "" --vbf

make normalization for a specific ttbar contribution: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "ttnorm" -t "resT" --vbf

make migration uncertainty file: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "ttMU"

  • signals ("ZprimeZH" "WprimeWH" (for H->bb),"ZprimeZHinc" "WprimeWHinc" (for H->inc), "ZprimeWW" "BGWW" "BGZZ" "WprimeWZ" "RadionWW", "RadionZZ" + the same for VBF, e.g. "VBFBGWW"):

make SF (needs a directory called migrationunc, it is long and not set up for batch): python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "sigSF" --signal "BGWW"

make normalization: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "signorm" --signal "BGWW" --vbf

make migration uncertainty file: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "sigMU" --signal "BGWW"

  • data: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "data" --vbf

2. Make the 3D templates.

  • QCD (tipically for NP category, in batch it will automatically produce pythia, madgraph and herwig):

First obtain the detector scale and resolution used in the template production

python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "detector" --batch False  

then you can start producing the templates as follows

python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "qcdtemplates" -c "NP"

when all jobs are over:

python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "qcdkernel" -c "NP"

Once also QCD normalizations files a produced, a further step should be carried out to improve the agreement between MC and templates. The MC (normalization) for a certain category can be fit with the NP high statistics kernels (or a different category)( with the option -p it is possible to select different projections: x for mjet1, y for mjet2 and z for mjj e.g. -p z -x 65,105 -y 65,105 gives mjj projection in the mjet1&2 range 65,105).

For this step the script run_transferKernel.sh can be used. Inside the script the input directory and the period can be chosen. The first argument is the input pdfs taken from the high statistics category; the second argument is the MC in the low statistics category to be fit.

./run_transferKernel.sh NP VV_HPLP  
  • V+jets:

jet mass shapes: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "vjetsfits" --batch False

dijet mass templates: python makeInputs.py -p "2016,2017,2018" --run "vjetskernel"

NB: To produce MVV templates starting from a fit function instead of using the smoothening procedure use --fittempl when running the makeInputs.py.

Templates based on k-factors can be obtained with python makeInputs.py -p "2016,2017,2018" --run "vjetskernel" --kfactors

Also fits can be used instead of templates with python makeInputs.py -p "2016,2017,2018" --run "vjetskernel" --fitsmjj

  • ttbar

jet mass shapes: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "ttfits" --batch False

dijet mass templates: python makeInputs.py -p "2016,2017,2018" --run "tttemplates"

NB: To produce MVV templates starting from a fit function instead of using the smoothening procedure use --fittempl when running the makeInputs.py.

  • signals (signals are listed above)

jet mass shapes: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "sigmjet" --signal "BGWW" --batch False

dijet mass templates: python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "sigmvv" --signal "BGWW" --batch False

3. Closure tests, datacards and workspaces

NB: usually all script excpet the inputs to be in a results_period directory

  • A special treatment is need to obtain the correct ttbar normalization that will be given as input to the postifits and limits with all workspaces

Produce pseudodata with ttbar only, make a workspace and run postfits-> this will produce a json file with the ttbar normalizations. The postfit should be run on one category at the time. Use the option -i to specify the files location if different from the default results_Run2.

python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "pseudoTT" 
python makeCard.py -p "2016,2017,2018" --signal "BulkGWW" -c "VH_HPLP" --outlabel "_ttbar" --pseudodata "ttbar"
source makeTTbarFits.sh VH_HPLP # python runFitPlots_vjets_signal_bigcombo_splitRes.py -n results_${period}/workspace_JJ_BulkGWW_${c}_13TeV_${period}_ttbar.root  -i  results_${period}/JJ_${period}_nonRes_${c}.root -M 2000  -o ${outputdir} --channel ${c} -l ${c} --doVjets --addTop --doFit --pseudo 
  • produce pseudodata with all backgrounds An input directory can be specified, as well as a rescaling factor for QCD (--qcdsf sfvalue)
python makeCard.py -p "2016,2017,2018" --signal "BulkGWW" -c "VH_HPLP,VH_LPHP,VH_HPHP,VV_HPHP,VV_HPLP" --outlabel "_PrepPseudo" --pseudodata "PrepPseudo" -i inputdirectory 
python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "pseudoALL"
  • before preparing workspaces with all categories, to reduce the size of the workspace, some distributions need to be rebinned source rebinPseudodataAndTemplates.sh. This script expect the templates, qcd normalizations and data and pseudodata to be in results_period/pseudo80/ and will put the output in results_period/pseudo40/. Once files are created, they should be copied inresults_period/ for the next step.

  • prepare workspace and run postfits on pseudodata

python makeInputs.py -p 2016 --run "pseudoALL"
python makeCard.py -p "2016,2017,2018" --signal "BulkGWW" -c "VH_HPLP,VH_LPHP,VH_HPHP,VV_HPHP,VV_HPLP" --outlabel "_pseudodata" --pseudodata "True"
source makePseudoFits.sh results_Run2 label #label can be any string to identify the outputs #python runFitPlots_vjets_signal_bigcombo_splitRes.py -n ${inputdir}/workspace_JJ_BulkGWW_VVVH_13TeV_${period}_pseudodata.root  -i  ${inputdir}/JJ_${period}_nonRes_${c}.root -M 2000  -o ${outputdir} --channel ${c} -l ${c} --doVjets --addTop --doFit --pseudo
  • prepare workspace and run postfits on data. By default the tagging efficiency are added separately for each year (for one common uncertainty use --peryear). By default 1 QCD and 1 W/Z+jets normalization is added per each category. Use --corrvbf to correlare a non VBF category with the corresponding VBF one and add 1 nuisance correlating all VBF categories. Several options, like for VV-only or k-factors templates, are the same as explained for the makeInputs. More signals can be combined together as RadionVV, BulkGVV, Vprime and VBF_Vprime.
python makeCard.py -p "2016,2017,2018" --signal "BulkGWW" -c "all" --outlabel "_data" --pseudodata "False"

If the analysis is still blinded, use the script makeBlindFits.sh to run postfits on data blinding part of the jet mass or the command: python runFitPlots_vjets_signal_bigcombo_splitRes.py -n ${inputdir}/workspace_JJ_BulkGWW_VVVH_13TeV_${period}_data.root -i ${inputdir}/JJ_${period}_nonRes_${c}.root -M 2000 -o ${outputdir} --channel ${c} -l ${c} --doVjets --addTop --doFit --blind -x 55,65,140,215 -y 55,65,140,215

Add the option -s to run S+B fits.

Get pulls of systematics for 1 mass points and produce a nice plot:

combine -M FitDiagnostics -m 1200 workspace.root -v 2 --noErrors --minos none
root -l PlotPulls.C
  • Check signal fits:
python plotSignalShapesFromJSON.py -i signalShapesRun2/ -y "Run2" -v mJ
python plotSignalShapesFromJSON.py -i signalShapesRun2/ -y "Run2" -v mVV
python drawFittedParameters.py /path/to/inputdir

4. Run and plot limits

vvSubmitLimits.py Run2_MD_WHP10_WLP20/workspace_JJ_BulkGWW_VVVH_13TeV_Run2_pseudodata.root -s 1000 -q "testmatch" -m 3000 -M 6000 -C 1 -o "-M AsymptoticLimits -n BulkGWW_MD_WHP10_WLP20_VVVH_Run2" -n "BulkGWW_MD_WHP10_WLP20_VVVH_Run2_pt2" 
find higgsCombineTest.AsymptoticLimits.* -size +1500c | xargs hadd Limits_BulkGVV_13TeV_2016.root

Plot the limits with theoty curves and uncertainties

vvMakeLimitPlot.py Limits_Vprime_13TeV_Run2_data_ggDYVBF_VVVH_partial_newbaseline.root  -o ExpLimits -s Vprime -n test -p ALL --hvt 0  --HVTworkspace results_Run2/workspace_JJ_Vprime_VBF_VVVH_13TeV_Run2_data_newbaseline.root --theoryUnc
vvMakeLimitPlot.py Limits_BulkGWW_HPHP_13TeV.root -x 1200 -X 4200 -b 0 #(expected+observed limits)

Make comparisons with other analyses (note: some results are still being collected)

python compareLimitsALLsignals.py -s ZprimeWW
python compareLimitsALLsignals.py -s BulkGWW -n compareB2G18002

Further (but probably not up-to-date) information on each part of the 3D fit code can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hU84u27mY85UaAK5R11OHYctBMckDU6kX7IcorboZf8/edit?usp=sharing