
This is a open source project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a open source project dedicated to hacktober fest

Add any project in any programming language

-🪄 C

-🪄 C++

-🪄 C#

-🪄 PHP

-🪄 Java

-🪄 Python

-🪄 Ruby

-🪄 Javascript

-🪄 WebDev

After Creating the pull request mention any moderator in the discord server

The PR would not be merged if not mentiond in the server.

DSA problem-solution would not be accepted.

join the discord serverfor more information.

Do drop a follow if you like my work 😀

On participating in hacktober fest and being in the first 4 contributors to open pull requests, you get:

  • Either a tree planted in your name
  • Or a hacktober fest T-Shirt

What to contribute? 🤔

Add a project with proper language category. For example: I have added a personal website.

How to contribute? 🤝

  • Fork this repo.
  • Write into a file of proper category:
  • Push the changeswith commit messages on whatever you added.
  • Compare And Pull Request with proper description and title.
  • Wait for me to review and merge your contribution.

How to make a pull request? (for first timers - beginners)

Contributing for the first time? I got you 😀

  • Fork the repo. (a copy of this repo will be made on your account).

  • Write what you want in the proper file.

    Two ways to write:

    • Clone the repo or download the zip folder and write into it. (download the code)
    • Press dot on the main page of the forked repository on your account, VS Code Web will open and then write into it.

  • Once you are done writing, add the necessary files with ➕ button in github or use git add --all.

  • Then commit the files using the ✔ button in vs code or use command git commit -m "message" command where in message, you will write a message about whatever you added.

  • Go to the main page of your forked repo on your account. You will see a Compare And Pull Request button. Click that.

  • Go to Pull requests tab if you dont see the button mentioned.

  • You will be redirected to the pull requests tab of this repo. Add a title for your pull request and a little description.

Things to note ✏:

  • Make sure you dont change some one else's added commits.
  • Be respectful and make sure you dont add any offensive content.
  • Do write a brief description and proper title for your pull request.

Having trouble? Ask in discussions:


Get yourself featured here as an Open Source Contributor 🎉🙌: