
A repo for my deep RL agents from the course CS698R !

Primary LanguagePython


A repo for my deep RL agents from the course CS698R in IITK !

pip install -e DRLagents


The agents implemented here are:

  1. NFQ
  2. DQN
  3. Double DQN (DDQN)
  4. Dueling DDQN (D3QN)
  5. Dueling DDQN with Prioritized Experience Replay (D3QN_PER)
from DRLagents import NFQ, DQN, DDQN, D3QN, D3QN_PER

For each agent you can optionally define a function to make the observable state from the observation and info returned by env.step(), the parameter stateFn allows this functionality. Heads-up, you will also need to handle the case when info = None because env.reset() returns only the observation.

Other utils

  1. Replay Buffer:

    from DRLagents.replaybuffer import ReplayBuffer
    • Implements both usual experience replay (as in DQN)
    • And the Prioritized Experience Replay (PER)
    • Can set Prioritized mode by inserting 'PER' in the bufferType example:
      ReplayBuffer(bufferSize, bufferType = 'PER-D3QN', priority_alpha=alpha, priority_beta=beta, priority_beta_rate=beta_rate)
  2. Exploration Strategies:

    from DRLagents.exploration_strategies import selectEpsilonGreedyAction, selectGreedyAction, selectSoftMaxAction
    • Greedy Exploration
    • Epsilon-Greedy Exploration
    • Softmax Exploration
  3. Decay Wrapper:

    from DRLagents.exploration_strategies import decayWrapper
    • Allows to decay the epsion (in case of epsilon-greedy strategy)
    • or the temperature (in case of softmax strategy) parameters.


The following code snippet shows how you train a deep network (torch's nn.Module) using this package. To see the full code read DQNexample.py

import gym
from DRLagents import D3QN
from DRLagents.exploration_strategies import decayWrapper, selectEpsilonGreedyAction, selectGreedyAction

device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
explorationStrategyTrain = decayWrapper(selectEpsilonGreedyAction, 0.5, 0.05, 500, device=device)

DQNagent = DQN(Qnetwork, env, seed=0, gamma=0.8, epochs=10, bufferSize=10000, batchSize=512, 
                optimizerFn=optim.Adam, optimizerLR=0.001, MAX_TRAIN_EPISODES=800, MAX_EVAL_EPISODES=1, 
                explorationStrategyTrainFn= explorationStrategyTrain, explorationStrategyEvalFn= selectGreedyAction, 
                updateFrequency=5, device=device)
train_stats = DQNagent.trainAgent() # train the agent
eval_rewards = DQNagent.evaluateAgent()

There are files with the name structure as example.py, these are the examples of using the package for each type of agent.

To know more about the inputs (and the documentation) please read the class descriptions. The documentation is comming in the Readme in a while...