
Keep track of your planned upgrades, in relation to what is in your depot, with some hefty quality of life.

Primary LanguagePython

Arknights Material Planner

A full screenshot of the application

Streamline your Arknights planning with this all-in-one solution. Simply select the operator and the upgrade and let the tool do the rest.

Requirements are downloaded automatically, so no more researching upgrades and forgetting 10 seconds later which materials you need to farm.

Compare the total of your selected upgrades against what is in your depot, see what you could craft and what you are missing. Since keeping track of your depot's contents manually is exhausting let the tool do that too! Simply click one button and sit back as image and text recognition tells you exactly what materials you have on hand.

Quick Setup

  1. Download Tesseract from here and run the installer.
  2. Download the zip of the latest version(ArknightsMaterials_vX.Y.Z.zip) of Arknights Material Planner from the releases tab and unzip it into a folder of your choice
  3. Ensure Windows Defender didn't remove the exe due to a false positive. This tool trips up virus scanners occasionally so use your own judgement if you trust it. All releases are built using GitHub Actions: workflow badge
  4. Rename config-defaults.json to config.json and open it in Notepad.
  5. Modify the line that says: "tesseractExeLocation": null, to contain the location to the tesseract.exe which is located in the folder you chose for the tesseract installation.
    1. The path needs to be in quotes(") and backslashes(\) need to be escaped with an additional backslash. Here is a full example:
    2. "tesseractExeLocation": "C:\\Program Files\\tesseractOCR\\tesseract.exe"
  6. Replace the "BlueStacks" in the line: "arknightsContainer": "BlueStacks" with "LDPlayer" if you are using LDPlayer.
  7. Modify the line that says: "arknightsWindowName": null to contain the name of your BlueStacks/LDPlayer window, if it is not BlueStacks or LDPlayer respectively.
  8. Start the ArknightsMaterials.exe



An example of a planned upgrade

  • Start by adding a operator and the type of Upgrade you want. Material requirements are then automatically downloaded from Gamepress.
    • Material requirements are cached locally to not spam Gamepress. In case a module releases for an Operator, you can force a refresh on the material requirements The button to refresh material requirements
  • Multiple Upgrades can be selected per Operator. The individual Upgrades per Operator will be sorted automatically.
  • Include The enable/disable checkbox in on state or exclude The enable/disable checkbox in off state the material list from the total requirements
  • Delete The delete button or reorder The Button to drag a set of materials the different upgrades to your liking.
  • Choose from regular or cumulative upgrade types to set up your to-do list in fewer clicks.

Depot Overview

An excerpt from a depot An excerpt from a filtered depot

  • See all of your materials at one glance The depot switch in full state.
  • Focus on only the materials needed in your selected upgrades The depot switch in partial state or only on those you are still missing The depot switch in the lowest state.
  • See indicators of how many materials you need of each type in
    • Green if you already have enough or can craft enough of the material,
    • Red if you don't have enough of the material.
    • The Colors and text colors are fully customizable, see the configuration reference below.
  • Indicators can be switched between displaying the full amount that is needed The Indicator toggle in full state and the amount that is still missing after subtracting current stock and crafting The Indicator toggle in missing state.
  • A second page The button to toggle between the pages is available for skill books, module components and experience cards and chips and LMD.
  • Hint: There are + and - buttons, but you can also adjust the amount with the mouse wheel while hovering over a material.

Penguin Stats Export

Use https://penguin-stats.io/planner to plan your long-term farming strategy. Click the export button The export button and get all the information in the depot copied to your clipboard. You can then paste and import that directly on Penguin Stats.

Depot Scanning

If you play Arknights on PC you can make use of the image- and text recognition feature to scan and import The button to start scanning the depot the contents of your depot list into the tool automatically.

  • This is unfortunately only 99% accurate. It can happen that the tool will miss certain digits or add digits that aren't there. If there are any OCR experts I'm more than willing to accept help to reduce the error rate as far as possible.
  • Also Note that this feature will resize your Arknights window and send mouse input to it. If you want to make sure not to accidentally do that you can turn the feature off entirely by setting the depotParsingEnabled configuration parameter to false.
    • Additionally, your player should be in landscape(16:9) mode.
  • This requires an installation of TesseractOCR.
  • arknightsWindowName uses sane defaults if left empty but some BlueStacks versions have different names, so you might need to change it to whatever it says in the top right corner of the window.
  • arknightsContainer supports "BlueStacks" and "LDPLayer". If you are not using either of those you can set it to "genericWindow" and add the remaining configuration yourself:
    • If the root window is not the one accepting input you need to adjust arknightsInputWindowClass to set a child window that does accept input. Use the FindArknightsWindow.exe to find the names
    • Also, you might need to provide the border values in arknightsWindowBorder for the screenshots to get cropped correctly.

Recipe Display

A Recipe being display in the depot

Click on any Material in the depot to display its recipe if it has one.

Please note that Class Chips are currently not considered craftable.

Color Settings

A example of a potential light mode

Not a fan of the default color scheme? Simply adjust the configuration parameters color, colorDark and highlightColor, that control the primary, secondary, and line/icon color respectively. For bright colors it is also recommended to enable highlightUpgrades since most of these icons have a lot of white in them.

Space for your assistant

There is a bit of unused space between your upgrades and your depot. Why not display your favorite operator? Set backgroundImage to any image on your hard drive to get it displayed there. Use backgroundImageOffset to adjust the position if necessary. The color behind the image can also be separately controlled by backgroundColor.

Technical Limitations

  • This is a Windows-only tool. Even running the python source directly, the tool still makes heavy use of the win32api to collect screenshots and control the Arknights player for depot scanning. The other features will likely work but no effort has been made to be linux compatible.
  • This tool has been primarily tested with BlueStacks. A configuration for other emulators can likely be found but is not guaranteed. As an example, Windows 11's native android emulation can not be interacted with in the same way BlueStacks can. As a result, it is not compatible with the depot scanning feature.
  • This has been tested on the english client. I have seen that the korean client uses a different font for numbers. This might throw off the tool as well, but if enough demand exists for it, I might add a different mode for other regions.
  • Scanning expects numbers attached to the materials. For numbers larger than 1000 Arknights starts to abbreviate them to 1k, etc. This breaks the scanning.
  • Since this tool relies on relatively exact pixel measurements, slight changes might throw it off. I have tried my best to add leniency but in the end the result is still somewhat fragile.

Building or running from the source


Run pip install -r requirements.txt to set up your Python environment with the correct dependencies. Then run ArknightsMaterials.py

Building the source

In case you want to build the executable yourself you can run build.py and a _dist folder will be created with the distribution. Simply move the contents where you want them.

Hint: Updating the Operator List

I usually do not update the tool as soon as an operator comes out and instead just add the new operators in a batch every few months or so. But updating the operator list does not require an update to the code.

operators.json contains a full list of all operators with their name (which is used for the search in the operator selection), an image which has to be present in the img/operator folder, and an external name, in case the URL on Gamepress differs from the name of the operator.

By providing these details, the tool can be kept up to date in case the releases ever fall behind too far, or you want to plan further into the future.


  • Q: The tool crashes on startup. What went wrong?
    • A: Usually that is an issue with the config.json. Use an online JSON verifier like JSONLint to check if you've maybe made a mistake.
  • Q: An operator recently got a new Module, but I don't see it in the tool, what happened?
    • A: The tool caches Operator data, so it doesn't know an update was released. You can force a manual refresh by clicking the button under the operator image.
  • Q: The tool keeps saying I need to navigate to the main menu or the depot even though I'm there already, what do I do?
    • A: Disable any hotkey overlays you might have in your player, make sure not to overlap your mouse with the player. If that does not work try increasing the colorLeniency config parameter.
  • Q: The tool added a digit to a number, did not recognize a number or is missing a digit. Can you fix that?
    • A: Text Recognition(OCR) is not a perfect technology. Mistakes can and will happen, so I doubt the depot scanning feature will ever be 100% accurate. Please do not submit bug reports for every single misread.

Configuration Reference

Configuration is read from a file called config.json and is a single JSON-Object with the following possible values.

Parameter Name Type Default Description
uiScale Number 80 Controls the size of all screen elements as well as the window itself.
scrollSpeed Number 30 Controls how fast the left panel can be scrolled with the mouse wheel. Pro tip: Setting this to 110 will scroll exactly one element per tick.
saveFile String "default.materials" Determines the file name of where the data is saved and loaded from. Have alt accounts? Switch back and forth between them with this parameter.
maintainNaturalOrder Boolean false Whether to sort the material list in upgrades as they appear in the game client or apply a consistent order over all materials
sortUpgrades Boolean true Whether to sort the upgrades within a set of upgrades for one operator automatically or not.
backgroundImage String/Filename null Points to a file on your computer to load as the background image for the application.
backgroundImageOffset Number 0 Adjusts the X-Position of how the background image is placed.
backgroundColor String/Color "#444444" Controls the color of the background.
color String/Color "#555555" Controls the primary color of the application.
colorDark String/Color "#444444" Controls the secondary color of the application.
highlightColor String/Color "white" Controls the color of buttons, icons and lines in the application.
highlightUpgrades Boolean false Whether to also recolor the Upgrade icons with hightlightColor. Good for light background colors.
amountColor String/Color "black" Controls the color of the labels displaying the amount of materials
amountColorFont String/Color "white" Controls the text color in amountColor
depotColorSufficient String/Color "#00CC00" Controls the color of the labels displaying sufficient or craftable stock
depotColorSufficientFont String/Color "black" Controls the text color in depotColorSufficient
depotColorInsufficient String/Color "red" Controls the color of the labels displaying insufficient stock
depotColorInsufficientFont String/Color "black" Controls the text color in depotColorInsufficient
gamepressUrl String/URL "https://ak.gamepress.gg/operator/" The base URL for Operators on Gamepress. Just in case this ever changes.
depotParsingEnabled Boolean true Whether to enable the depot scanning feature. Disabling this will hide relevant UI-Elements
arknightsContainer String "BlueStacks" The type of player you run Arknights with. Currently three modes are supported: "BlueStacks", "LDPlayer" and "genericWindow".
arknightsWindowName String null The name of the window that Arknights is running in. This can either be read from the window title or a list is provided by FindArknightsWindow.exe is this value is left empty. Defaults to "BlueStacks" or "LDPlayer" if the corresponding arknightsContainer is set.
arknightsInputWindowName String null The name of the child window class that accepts input. Only supported for arknightsContainer = "genericWindow" This is an expert setting. FindArknightsWindow.exe will list available child windows for the window given in arknightsContainer. Can also be set to null to use the top-level window.
arknightsWindowBorder List[Number] null The amount of pixels to crop away from Arknights screenshots from the Left, Top, Right and Bottom respectively. Defaults to [1, 33, 33, 1] for BlueStacks and [1, 34, 41, 2] for LDPlayer.
depotScanScrollDelay Number 2 The amount of time to wait between individual mouse movements while scrolling in 100ths of a second. Makes the scroll distance more consistent. Useful if the depot does not get scrolled far enough to scan the second and third pages.
depotScanScrollOffset Number 25 The amount of pixels to scroll additionally to the length of one page in the depot. This represents the deadzone built into either the app or the emulator. Defaults to 25 as tested on Bluestacks with default settings. Maxes out around 200 pixels as the window usually ends at that point.
colorLeniency Number 3 How lenient certain pixel reads should be to determine which menu the Arknights app is in. This is a allowed delta in color value(0-255) per band.
imageRecognitionThreshold Float 0.8 The confidence required for the image recognition to decide a certain material has been found. This is a value from 0 to 1. 0.95 means 95% confident.
tesseractExeLocation String/Filename null Path to the Tesseract Exe to use for Depot Scanning.