FastStore: A High-Performance RDMA-enabled Distributed Key-Value Store with Persistent Memory

This is the source code of paper FastStore: A High-Performance RDMA-enabled Distributed Key-Value Store with Persistent Memory in ICDCS'23


Compiling this project can be a little annoying due to external dependencies. Make sure libpmem, libnuma, libibverbs are installed (Linux package manager apt or yum would be sufficient).

C++17 support is needed for std::optional, std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr.

As for eRPC, if you can't compile it, please refer to its issues on github. Some compiling erros I've encountered are as follows. Here directory . means the root directory of eRPC

  1. Remember to add ./src and ./thrid_party/asio/include to your include path
  2. "config.h": no such file or directory. If you run cmake in ./build, then copy ./build/src/config.h to ./src.
  3. "<asio/ts/include.hpp>": no such file or directory. Make sure that ./third_party/asio/include is added to the include path.
  4. "numa_node_of_cpu": undefined referece. Make sure that -lnuma is added AFTER -lerpc on Linux platforms

For boost, hill currently uses boost 1.77.0. Please download to third-party and unzip it to compile.

The Makefile can be used for building. If you encounter any issue/warning/error, please refer to building tool canoe.

A compile_commands.json file is already included in this repo. Any text editors (Emacs/Vim/VSCode) or IDE that uses compile_commands.json for LSP utility should work well with it.


Config files are needed for clients, servers and monitor. The config file template are in ./bench_config.

Files with prefix local_clients are client configuration. In it, monitor address and RDMA devices should be specified. Server side eRPC address should also be specified.

Files with prefix local_node are server configurations. What should be specified are all listed in the template. The eRPC listen port is for dynamically establishing eRPC connection. Please choose a port different from the connection ports used by eRPC.

The local_config.moni is the monitor's configuration file. Monitor address, cluster node number and which key range is assigned to which node should be specified.

To run, first launch a monitor to gather/scatter infomation about all nodes, then launch servers and clients.

Launch monitor ./target/test_store -t monitor -c ./bench_config/config.moni Launch server with 2 threads ./target/test_store -t server -c ./bench_config/ -m 2 Launch client with 2 threads running YCSB C workload ./target/test_store -t client -c ./bench_config/ -m 2 -y c