
a simple NVM emulator

Primary LanguageC

Homemade NVM emulator

This is a simple NVM emulator working on Intel Xeon E5 v4 and E7 v4

The key idea for latency emulation is to count memory access number and send a function to interrupt the process that is performing memory access to emulate extra latency.

Accuracy of emulation result is not guaranteed.


The emulator project is organized as below

  • pcicfg.h: describe a PCI configuration space. A PCI cfg space consists of domain number, bus nmber, device number and function number and certain byte/word/dword can be accessed with certain offset within the pcicfg space. Usually, we combine device number and function number into one byte since device number is between 0 and 31 while function number is between 0 to 7 (so that is 8 bits in total.)

  • pcicfg.c: Functions to read and write PCICFG regsiters

  • pcibox.h: Encapsulation of pcicfg structure and operations. A pcibox is a uncore PMON box within certain PCICFG space.

  • pcibox.c: Implementation of pcibox and relating operations.

  • instance.h: Definition of HA box and relating operations.

  • emulator.c: Implementation of an emulator using functions offered by pcicfg.h

  • large_hearder.h: This is combination of pcibox.h, pcibox.c, pcicfg.h, pcicfg.c I really DO NOT want this file, but my Makefile is just not correct and I DO NOT know why. So I aggregate all the header files and object files into one to make the Makefile work.


NOTICE: This emulator is not completely developed by myself, my supervisor's student Yizhou Shan developed E5 v3 version, but we failed to port it to E5 v4, so I was asked to develope an E5 v4 version. Please refer to https://github.com/lastweek/NVM-Emulator