Become the James Webb telescope for a day!
This is the submission for the NASA Space Apps Challenge 2022, under the "Learning Through the Looking Glass" challenge. This project represented the Universe Gaming team, whose members created this game (see below).
A space image is observed, and the user must focus on the image that's being seen (using the W and S keys). It's simple to use and very practical for young people to enter the world of astronomy. We use the Python programming language and the Pygame library to develop the game.
(From the original Space Apps submission).
As pointed above, this game was created with Python and Pygame. You can play it locally using Python (3.7+) and the latest Pygame version.
Ah! You wanna see the demo before using the game? Go and download the official demo video on GitHub
From the original submission:
The Universe Gaming team created this game for the hackathon. Here's a list of their names, so their won't be forgotten:
- Diego RamĂrez
- Maria Regina Guerrero Macias
- Isaias Garcia Zanella
- Christian