Qt Solutions Component: SOAP The Qt SOAP project provides basic web service support with version 1.1 of the SOAP protocol. Notes: This is a partial implementation of SOAP v1.1. - Server side SOAP is not supported. - References to values (id & href attributes) are not supported. - Only arrays with less than 5 dimensions are supported. - Namespaces for types are not checked. Only the type names are used. - The encodingStyle attribute is ignored. The serialization and encoding rules from section 5 in the SOAP v1.1 specification are assumed regardless of the value of the encodingStyle attribute. - QtSoapType does not have accessors for attributes, which means for example that actor, mustUnderstand and so on are not accessible in headers. - The SOAP root attribute is not supported. Version history: 1.1: - Have setContent() always skip first entry if it's not an element 1.2: - QtSoapArray::count() returns correct count 1.3: - Documentation fixes 2.0: - Version 1.3 ported to Qt 4. 2.1: - Fix memory leak, and fix for Qt 4.1. 2.2: - Bugfix, and fix for Qt 4.2. 2.3: - Handle (but don't preserve) comments in structs/arrays - Fix memory leak for QtSoapArray - Allow Array types to not have the "type" attribute set, as per the Soap 1.1 spec - Handle fault code of type (in addition to type String) 2.4: - Fix: Use UTF8 encoding, as the standard recommends, instead of Latin1. Indicate the charset in the header. - Fix: Allow header items to be added before body items, so the output will have the correct order (header before body), as per the standard. - Fix: Possible memory leak when copying QtSoapStructs and -Arrays. 2.5: - Fixes: Error handling. responseReady signal would sometimes not be emitted in error situations. Now, always emitted, and the error is recorded in the response. - Fixes: node parsing bug. - Fixes: arrayiterator bug, and wrong indices in array example code in doc. - Fixes: copying structs and arrays. - Added: support operator[] for structs. - Allow the transport to be set to https mode. 2.6: - Misc. minor fixes. - LGPL release. 2.7: - Auto-generation in SoapNamespaces has never worked as intended, dropped. - The HttpTransport class is now based on QNetworkManager et al. instead of QHttp. This entails some minor API changes to that class.
The Qt SOAP project provides basic web service support with version 1.1 of the SOAP protocol.