This project is a Fork of Prism Launcher, which aims to 'unblock' the use of Offline Accounts, disabling the restriction of having a functional Online Account. No other modifications were applied to the project's source code.
- 01M
- AblazingHeart
- AlejandroMonteseirinSeville,Spain
- BalPoi
- d1agnozzz
- dhasial
- diamvi
- Diegiwg@devopness
- equalisysdevStudent at "Lycée Descartes"
- EzWiz21
- fayth78Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- giopalma
- iDanielixSp(a)in
- ihchris
- ilievskey
- irockdude554
- karama300
- konpekoo
- Mr-Andersen
- notwindstoneLooking for a job
- o-dasher
- Pinguin762
- rafalohaki
- RobbieGMAnn Arbor, MI
- SergeiShelest
- shorkdev
- SonGorLickThe Five, Exotic Orientals
- spookyorange@coderspace-io
- sterno900
- techno-archyour walls
- three0three5
- Unrec0rded
- vilhelmbergsoeFactbird
- Yaminobre
- Z1xus