This is an open source application to provide some services for a guild in the MMORPG game called Tibia.

Here is a list of the features provided by this application (API)

Here is a section of functionalities


  1. A list of online players that belong to a certain guild (Akatsuki is the default)
  2. Details of a certain player (level, nick and vocation)

Boss archive

  1. Create boss item
  2. See all bosses
  3. Return a boss by its id
  4. Edit an existing boss record
  5. Delete a boss item

Quest archive

  1. Create a quest item
  2. See all quest items
  3. Return a quest item by its Id
  4. Edit an existing quest item
  5. Delete a quest item

Quest team

  1. Get a list with all quest team registered
  2. Create a new quest team
  3. Add a player to the quest team
  4. Change the date for the quest in that team
  5. Remove a player from a quest team
  6. Return a quest team by its Id