How to run

Clone this repository.

This project need at least one consumer PIX, one consumer-concilliation and the PSP mock app running.

Open a terminal in the directory of the cloned project.

Change the internal docker ip on prometheus.yml

Run the commands

docker compose up -d

The application will be initialized with all services. PostreSQL, RabbitMQ, Grafana, Prometheus.

Also will be apllied the migrations.

Seed and Tests

Setup the env file using .env.example

cd to .k6/

npm install

To create data on database and store json files to be used in tests run:

npm run seed

IMPORTANT: Save the PSP token that will be printed on console. This can be used for authentication and to concilliaton.

To run k6 tests cd to.k6/tests an run(change the file test as you need)

k6 run postPaymentTest.js