
a Simple HTML/CSS project for Hacktoberfest pull requests. Introduce yourself in a card !

Primary LanguageHTML

Welcome to the open source Contributors portrait ! Live Version

For the Hacktoberfest, I wanna help beginners having their first PR on a simple HTML/CSS/Bootstrap project.

So the main goal of this repository is to regroup a lot of contributors with their name/nickname, an image of their choice, and a little description of them


  • Use Bootstrap cards model, you can copy/paste the first model i've done and replace it with your personnal informations
  • No insults / offensive language, PR will be refused and marked as invalid
  • Play the game with your description / image. I won't accept PR if someone just use a placeholder and write a random work as a description !
  • For the image, you can add your file in the /images folder, or just add a link of the image of your choice

I want to do more

Like you see, project has actually no "style", feel free to enhance it as you wish and share your ideas (don't do ugly things i won't accept it !). Everything must be in the files that are already created (index.html & style.css), and well indented. It's really easy to do a simple HTML/CSS pull request, so at least indent your code so the project will stay proper :).

How to contribute

  • Fork the project
  • Clone it
  • Push your job on your repository
  • When the job is done, submit a pull request , and that's it !


Feel free to submit ideas by opening issues, or just by submitting pull request. For the moment, this project only supports HTML/CSS-Bootstrap to help beginners. But I'll see later if we can add some JS to it if someone has a nice idea :).