
A Binary Classifier based on the Cats Vs Dogs dataset served in Flask

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This project consist of a Binary classifier based on the cats vs dogs dataset used in the following paper.

Elson, Jeremy and Douceur, John (JD) and Howell, Jon and Saul, Jared. (2007). Asirra: A CAPTCHA that Exploits Interest-Aligned Manual Image Categorization. Retrieved from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/asirra-a-captcha-that-exploits-interest-aligned-manual-image-categorization/

The project itself is served by a Flask application and has a training accuracy of 98% as well as a validation accuracy of 92%.

Feel free to download the project and try the application.

In order to run the project you need to install Tensorflow 2.2.0, Flask, and other basic libraries like Numpy. I highly recommend to use conda environments.
