R code used to generate figures included in:

"Whole-population perspective is needed for analyses and actions to address linear growth faltering in low- and middle-income countries"

  • Authors: Daniel E. Roth, Kelly M. Watson & Diego G. Bassani

  • Table of contents:

    PART 1: Simulate datasets (w/ varying correlation) and generate stunting incidence for Figure 1

    PART 2: Simulate datasets (w/ varying correlation) and generate stunting reversal for Figure 1

    PART 3: Simulate datasets w/ varying starting LAZ and LAZ shifts and generate stunting indicators for Figure 2a

    PART 4: Simulate datasets w/ varying starting LAZ and corr and generate stunting indicators for Figure 2b

    PART 5: Generate LAZ, stunting-, and growth delay-by-age trajectories for Figures 3 and 4

    PART 6: Generate simulated dataset w/ missingness and calculate indicators - Extended Data Table 2