This plugin will provide you API routes which will help you to build your own e-commerce platform.
- Download the plugin
- remove file and showcase folder
- Zip the file and don't change it's name
- Go to plugin section in your wordpress site and click on add new
- upload from zip
GET /wp-json/wpc/v1/products
Returns all published products with following data.
Attribute | type | example |
id | number | 45 |
name | string | product one |
slug | string | product-one |
price | number | 45 (without curreny) |
sale_price | number | 45 |
featuredImage | string | https://localhost/wordpress/img.png |
ratings | number | 4 (avg) |
seller | string | john doe |
GET /wp-json/wpc/v1/categories
Returns all Categories with following data.
Attribute | type | example |
id | number | 45 |
name | string | Laptops |
slug | string | laptops |
totalProducts | number | 5 |
featuredImage | string | https://localhost/wordpress/img.png |
GET /wp-json/wpc/v1/categories/<category-slug>
Returns all products in that category with following data
Attribute | type | example |
id | number | 45 |
name | string | product one |
slug | string | product-one |
price | number | 45 (without curreny) |
sale_price | number | 45 |
featuredImage | string | https://localhost/wordpress/img.png |
ratings | number | 4 (avg) |
seller | string | john doe |
GET /wp-json/wpc/v1/check-coupon?couponcode=<yourcode>
Returns true
or false
depending upon validity of the coupon
POST /wp-json/wpc/v1/cart/products
Returns data of the products provided through post request as shown in the example
Attribute | type | example |
items | array | [{id,name,price,quantity,total}] |
discountData | object | {amount,code,isValid,type,msg} |
GET /wp-json/wpc/v1/cart/available-payment-gateways
Returns all the available payment gateways with following data
Attribute | type | example |
id | number | 4 |
title | string | Stripe (credit Card) |
description | string | pay with credit card |
GET /wp-json/wpc/v1/cart/orders-id?cid=<customer id>
Returns all the order id of customer given the id of customer
Attribute | type | example |
ids | array | [117,185,114] |