
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Running the project

git clone https://github.com/DiegoTeles/jokey-test
cd jokey-test

npm install 
npm start

What I used

Unfortunatelly I was unable to create any test, due to the deadline 😔

Create automate tests ;/



Front End Evaluation


You're going to develop an app based on Chuck Norris's Jokes. ChuckNorris.io is a very fun and lonely api that deserves to get an interface and some interaction. We're trusting you to create such a nice app, and honor Chuck Norris.


In terms of design/layout, it's totally up to you Pick only one of these js libs: Angular, React, Vue.js Create a project on Github and give us (https://github.com/BeeTech-global) permission to access/clone it


You must use the 3 given endpoints and make possible users interact with them There should be a page to query random jokes, taking into account users might want to filter by category or not There should be a dashboard listing found jokes, like a history for users to revisit what they have seen Other pages are optional, feel free to show off your skills

Documentation and important links

https://api.chucknorris.io/ https://rapidapi.com/matchilling/api/chuck-norris

Endpoints to consume

[GET] https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/random?category={category} [GET] https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/categories [GET] https://api.chucknorris.io/jokes/search?query={query}

How are we gonna screen you?

Coding skills, such as logic, abstract thinking, coupling and cohesion Use of modern tools, such as transpilers, task runners, module bundlers, libs, etc Design patterns Complexity and how candidates will make them as simple as possible Tests ( unit tests, snapshop tests, e2e) PWA techniques Semantic HTML Clean and well structured css

Hints :)

Be considerate towards performance issues. Do you believe a caching strategy, CDN or local storage fits a solution? Go for it! Avoid plugins or heavy libs like jquery All kind of tests are very welcome