
a human-readable assembly language language that is easy to learn and easy to use

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Eassyembly is a human-readable assembly language that is easy to learn and easy to use.

The language is based on the following principles:

  1. Register operations are performed as:

      R1 <- R2 + R3
      R2 <- 45
      R3 <- [R2]    // for offsetting (this is a comment in the code)
      R3 <- [-0xFF] 

    register name conventions are dependent on the target architecture, not enforced by the language

  2. sections are created with the following syntax: .section "name"

  3. labels are created with the following syntax: label: and to go to a label: goto label

  4. assembly functions are created with the following syntax:

    function name:
    end function

    and the function is referenced with the following syntax: call function

  5. comments are created with the following syntax: // comment

  6. variables types are:

    fix the previous example to use the following syntax:

    type aliases description
    byte u8, b, b8 8-bit
    word word, w, u16, b16 16-bit
    dword dword, d, u32, b32 32-bit
    qword qword, q, u64, b64 64-bit

    and the following syntax is used to declare variables:

    let name: type
    // example:
    let foo: dword
    let bar: word = 0x1234

    and the following syntax is used to assign values to variables:

      name = value
      section bss:
         //in this section, we declare global variables
         let foo: dword
         let bar: word = 0x1234
      end section
      section main:
         R1 <- foo
         R2 <- bar
      end section

    note tha we use <- for assignment to registers but = for assignment to memory

  7. conditional statements are created with the following syntax:

      if condition:
        goto label  // do this line if condition is true
      if not condition:
          goto label  // do this line if condition is false
        if R1 == R2:
        goto label
  8. interrupts are called with: interrupt

  9. loops are created with the following syntax:

      while condition:
        //do this line until condition is true
      end while
  10. suggested predefined interrupt handlers are:

    name description
    print print
    hlt halt
    int interrupt
    syscall system call
    trap trap
    abort abort

This are suggested predefined interrupt handlers, but they depend on the target architecture, and not enforced by the language, they should be implementedby the creator of the target architecture configuration file


  function sqrt:
    // do a square root of a number 
    // and store the result in R1
    // number is expected to be in R1
    // at the end result is stored in R1
    let x: dword
    let y: dword
    let z: dword

    x = R1
    y = 0
    z = 0

    while y < x:
       y = y + 1
       z = z + y
    end while

    R1 <- z
  end function

  section bss:
      let x: dword
  section main:
      x = 0x12345678
      R1 <- x
      call sqrt
      print "sqrt(x) = "
      print R1
  end section