
Node.js People Everywhere

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Node.js People Everywhere (npe)

Node.js People Everywhere

Project proposed to Node.js Community Committee: nodejs/community-committee#184

Copy of the first original comment presenting the idea (for reference)

Initial reasons published at: #186

The goal is to have a place where developers and companies involved with Node.js can register themselves, to show who they are, where they are, and how they are using Node.js. For now I've been calling it as Node.js People Everywhere (npe) but it could be any other name we agree on being more interesting.

Because Node.js is indeed everywhere, sometimes it can be hard to know where it is. In terms of people and technology. For example, a company looking for a Node.js developer, could be looking for someone with a strong expertise on back-end, front-end, micro services, API (REST / HTTP), IoT, Robotics and so on.

By gathering this data the community will start to gain new powers, at a development and business level. For example, it could be a source of information to:

  • Plan a conference or meetup
  • Find companies working with Node.js
  • Find Node.js developers
  • Have a sense of how Node.js is being used by Companies and Developers and thus using that to direct investments

And the greatest power comes with the fact that all of these could be answered by area and by scope. We will have a sense of the pulse of Node.js worldwide and most importantly, locally. A developer could be more confident to invest in Node.js knowing that there are companies and jobs around. The same goes for a startup, by having the answer for: Will be hard to find skilled developers for the chosen technology when the team starts to grow? It makes sense to plan a meetup to take place in my area?

Thinking about the minimal scope needed for us to have this platform and get value out of it:


For both Companies and Developers.

type Required Company | Developer

name Required

location Required

skills Required Branches / scopes

keywords Any keyword. It could be libraries, frameworks, general interests (e.g. CLI).


links GitHub, LinkedIn, npm, etc.



By location By skills By keywords


I won't post right now ideas related to the technical side of the project, nor what I've thought in terms of new features for the project once it gets real life. I think it is better for us to focus right now just on the concept of it, and discuss how it can really be beneficial for the community.

From January onwards I will have some spare time to invest efforts on it, in case we agree on having that.