Playwright SerenityJS Automation Framework

Technologies Used

Playwright and SerenityJs is a powerful combination of technologies for web application testing. It provides reliable and maintainable automated testing with Playwright for browser automation and SerenityJs for testing framework.

Screenplay Pattern


To get started with this project, you'll need to have Node.js and Git installed on your machine.

First, clone the repository:

git clone

Once you have cloned the repository, navigate to the project directory:

cd playwright-project

Then, install the project dependencies using npm:

npm install

Project overview


Run, the following command to set some depencies needed after install like rimraf is a Node.js package that provides a cross-platform command line interface (CLI) for deleting files and directories.

npm run postinstall

Running Tests

To run all tests and open serenity report

npm run test

At the end, will be generated a serenity report like this


To run all tests without open serenity test:execute

npm run test:execute

To open serenity report

npm run test:report

To clean old serenity reports

npm run clean

Note If you are using npm run test:execute or npm run test, this command is not required.

To run test cases by tags

npx playwright test -g "@hb-0001"

Tags that you can use

📘 Test Case 📗 Story 📓 Others
1️⃣ @hb-0002 📗 @hb-0001 🌀 @regression
1️⃣ @hb-0003 📗 @hb-0005
1️⃣ @hb-0004 📗 @hb-0008
2️⃣ @hb-0006
2️⃣ @hb-0007
3️⃣ @hb-0009
3️⃣ @hb-0010
3️⃣ @hb-0011
3️⃣ @hb-0012
3️⃣ @hb-0013

Jenkins Pipeline

pipeline {
    agent any

    tools {
        nodejs 'NodeJS 17.5.0'
    stages {
        stage('Dependencies') {
            steps {
                bat 'npm ci'
                bat 'npm install rimraf'
        stage('e2e Tests') {
            steps {
                bat 'npm run test:execute'
        stage('Deploy Test Reports') {
            steps {
                  allowMissing: false,
                  alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
                  keepAll: false,
                  reportDir: 'target/site/serenity',
                  reportFiles: 'index.html',
                  reportName: 'Serenity Report',
                  reportTitles: '',
                  useWrapperFileDirectly: true])

Pipeline in Jenkins
