
A new Flutter project code challenge



Getting Started

This Flutter project uses Clean Architecture and Flutter BLoC

  • Domain:

    • There is a layer for domain where you can find this entity, also the repositories abstract class that represents what a valid repository will need to implement in order to work.
    • TeamMember will be our main entity and its using freezed.
    • Use cases layer to define the flows/abstractions that the BLoC will call.
  • Data:

    • Currently data layer will hold the datasource where its implemented the connection to the json file asset.
    • Its also mocking the 2 seconds to make it feel like is taking a few seconds to get the data.
    • It also holds the implementation made for the repository defined in the domain layer.
  • Presentation:

    • bloc:
      • TeamMemberBloc:
        • It holds the current state and also map the events to whatever actions are needed.
      • TeamMemberEvent
        • It holds the definition for the events available to send to the BLoC
      • TeamMemberState:
        • It holds the state representation for the team members screen.
          • TeamMembersInitial
          • TeamMembersLoading
          • TeamMembersEmpty
          • TeamMembersLoaded
      • pages:
        • Currently the only page is the Home for the Team Members list.
      • widgets:
        • Widgets created for the team members page.
          • Team Member Card
          • Team Member Bio
          • Team Member Photo (Avatar with fallback local asset)
          • Team Member Info (first name, last name, role/title)
          • Team Member List (holds the list widget)
  • Dependency Injection:

    • The project is also using dependency injection package get_it, this is located in the core package
      • In the file di.dart you will find the initialization of:
        • data sources
        • repositories
        • bloc
        • use cases
      • This di is initialized in the main.dart main method.

How to build and run

  • If you need to generate the freezed entities you can use the command:

    • dart run build_runner build
  • Here’s how you can use the flutter tool to run the app:

    • flutter run lib/main.dart
  • To run pub commands using the flutter tool:

    • flutter pub get
    • flutter pub outdated
    • flutter pub upgrade

Note: First, I thank you for the opportunity to have a nice conversation in the interviews and the chance to make this code challenge. I would like to also be transparent, I am currently on a trip through Europe with my family (including grandpa and grandma that require some support) from December 13 to December 31st. I did not had much time that I could focus or dedicate into this challenge since I had to move a lot between trains and cities the last 3-4 days but I also understand there is a deadline so I have tried to make it using clean architecture and bloc that I think it was the main focus of this and I am happy to keep working on this if needed after the 31st, I appreciate the understanding and opportunity, I would love to be part of the company/team, the environment you have based on what I was able to feel from the interviews sounds really good and the kind of place I have been looking to join.

Thank you!,

Diego Gutierrez