
Primary LanguageShell


The aim of this repository is to store common git hooks. In addition, this repository offers a way to install them locally using only an url.

Simple installation

At the root of your local git repository, run the following command:

wget -O install-git-hooks.sh  https://raw.github.com/benjdum59/git-hooks/master/install.sh ; bash install-git-hooks.sh

Manual installation

Clone/Download the repository and put all the hooks you need in your .git/hooks folder inside your local repository. Copy the conf folder (if exists) and the message folder in your .git/hooks folder inside your local repository.

Advanced use

By default, all hooks will be installed using the simple installation. You can filter them by adding the hook(s) you need as argument. e.g.

wget -O install-git-hooks.sh  https://raw.github.com/benjdum59/git-hooks/master/install.sh ; bash install-git-hooks.sh commit-msg

Hooks description


Force a pattern to apply for commit messages. The pattern used is described in the message/commit-message-format file


Auto feed the commit message based on the branch name. Branch must be named like <branch type>/<Issue ID> with:

  • branch type: feat | feature | fix | refactor | refacto (Issue ID is mandatory)
  • branch type: chore | docs | doc | style | perf | test | build (Issue ID is optional)
  • issue ID: must start with a letter and end with a digit

To use it, you have to do a git commit with no parameters. It only works with standard editors (like vim if you use git in CLI). Some tools, like Source Tree, do not use standard editor so it won't work.


Prevent pushing from develop or master (this should be done in a pull request)

Hooks workflow

Hooks workflow