
Start your Laravel project during 30 minutes

Primary LanguageNginx


Start your Laravel project during 30 minutes

After passing all steps of this tutorial you will have environment for developing PHP projects that includes: PHP, NGINX, MySQL and Redis.

You will know how to start to use Laravel and its tools.

Required tools:

Please download and install them.

Clone this tutorial to you PC.

  1. go to a folder where are you going to test this tutorial
  2. clone the tutorial
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/ADiesel82/easy-start-with-laravel.git tutorial 

If you are windows user or installed this tutorial into another path, please change ~/tutorial in the docker/docker-compose.yml config to your path

~ - home path

Let's install NGINX, Redis, MySQL and PHP with docker:

cd docker
docker-compose up -d

"docker-compose up -d" - runs docker containers in the background

For more information: https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/overview/

To be sure that everything has been done correctly run docker ps and verify that nginx, php-fpm, mysql, redis

$docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                      NAMES
d5090c95537d        nginx                "nginx -g 'daemon ..."   About an hour ago   Up About an hour>80/tcp,>443/tcp   docker_nginx_1
64264e159f1a        lyberteam/php7-fpm   "php-fpm"                About an hour ago   Up About an hour    9000/tcp,>7000/tcp          docker_fpm_1
fbd95a07c6de        mysql                "docker-entrypoint..."   10 hours ago        Up 2 hours>3306/tcp                     docker_mysql_1
dbf082154d2d        redis                "docker-entrypoint..."   2 months ago        Up 2 hours>6379/tcp                     docker_redis_1

Let's try to enter into docker container:

docker exec -it docker_fpm_1 bash

To understand exec parameters: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/exec/

docker_fpm_1 you can find with using docker ps in the column NAMES.

As result you will be logged into into fpm container as root.

Let's install Laravel with using composer. From instructions https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/installation#configuration let's do next:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

Laravel uses .evn file as base configuration file in its application root. Let's create and fill it with ours environment variables.

Laravel has .evn file example, so let's use it:

# cd blog/
# cp .env.example .env

Please open it for editing and do next:

  • Set MySQL settings

DB_HOST=mysql all services have own IPs and you can use service name instead of IP inside the docker. This means that you can simply write mysql instead of its IP. For example you can try command ping nginx to get IP of the nginx container. DB_PASSWORD=root this password has been set in docker/docker-compose.yml file: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root. For more info you can take a look docker image description: https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql/

To connect to mysql from your PC (outside the docker) you can use localhost and the same password.

  • Redis in the similar way

Save these changes and let's try to use Laravel CLI tool artisan to generate APP_KEY for the .evn. To do this, please, run:

php artisan key:generate

That is all. You can see this key inside the .evn file.

To see all commands just run php artisan and read more here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/artisan

Please go away from the fpm container with exit command or typing Ctrl+D.

Let's use another command to create MySQL database:

docker exec -t docker_mysql_1 mysql -u root -proot -e "CREATE DATABASE tutorial"

Everything is ready for use. Try to open in a browser: http://localhost/

Nginx config you can change here: docker/conf/nginx/conf.d/tutorial.conf Restart nginx you can with docker-compose restart nginx

I hope this tutorial will be helpful.

##Good luck!