A minecraft plugin that allows some self-moderation by letting players 'exile' other players through the use of ender pearls.
When a player kills another player with an ender pearl in his hotbar, the player becomes exiled and the pearl is transformed into an exile pearl. Exiled players have a restricted set of in-game abilities which prevents them from griefing and doing damage to other players.
Exile pearls have a health value that decays over time, so they must be repaired periodically or else the player will be freed.
Exiled players can't come within a set radius of their pearl, so the only way they can be freed is to convince the pearl owner to free him, or if other players forcefully free the pearl.
Exile pearls can also be upgraded to prison pearls, which imprison the pearled player in the end, for a higher upkeep cost.
Player Commands
/ep The root command
/ep help Displays plugin help
/ep locate Locates your pearl location
/ep free Frees a pearl in your hand
/ep upgrade Upgrades an Exile Pearl to a Prison Pearl
/ep downgrade Downgrades a Prison Pearl
/ep summon Requests to summon the player in the pearl in your hand
/ep confirm Confirms a summon request
/ep broadcast Broadcasts your pearl's location to a group or player
/ep accept Accepts a broadcast request from another player
/ep silence Silences pearl broadcasts from a player
Admin Commands
/ep config Config root command
/ep config list Lists the config rules
/ep config load Reloads the configuration
/ep config save Saves the configuration
/ep config set Sets a configuration rule value
/ep decay Performs a decay operation on all pearls
/ep exileany Exiles any player
/ep freeany Frees any player
/ep sethealth Sets the health of a pearl
/ep settype Sets the type of a pearl
/ep setkiller Sets the killer of a pearl
/ep check Checks if a player is exiled
/ep list Lists all the exiled players
/ep reload Reloads the entire plugin
The player commands are enabled by default for all players
exilepearl.check Grants access to '/ep check'
exilepearl.decay Grants access to '/ep decay'
exilepearl.exileany Grants access to '/ep exileany'
exilepearl.freeany Grants access to '/ep freeany'
exilepearl.list Grants access to '/ep list'
exilepearl.reload Grants access to '/ep reload'
exilepearl.sethealth Grants access to '/ep sethealth'
exilepearl.settype Grants access to '/ep settype'
exilepearl.setkiller Grants access to '/ep setkiller'
exilepearl.config Grants access to '/ep config'