Symphony API Client for Java

CircleCI Maven Central License: MIT Email

This client library facilitates connectivity to a Symphony pod and simplifies the creation of bots and extension applications using the REST API. It provides the necessary API bindings, centralised configuration, authentication, data feed / firehose event loops, message parsing and agent server load balancing.





compile: 'com.symphony.platformsolutions:symphony-api-client-java:1.0.+'

Installation via Bot Generator

To generate example projects that use this library, please use the generator-symphony command line interface.

$ npm i -g yo generator-symphony
$ yo symphony

The generator creates projects demonstrating bot and application workflows using features such as:

  • Spring Boot
  • Camunda BPM
  • Apache NLP


Create a config.json file in your project which includes the following properties. You can exclude sections irrelevant to your project. For example, in a bot project authenticating via RSA and connecting directly to the pod, agent and key manager, you can exclude the bot certificate section, all extension app sections and all optional sections.

    // Mandatory section
    "sessionAuthHost": "",
    "sessionAuthPort": 8444,
    "keyAuthHost": "",
    "keyAuthPort": 8444,
    "podHost": "",
    "podPort": 443,
    "agentHost": "",
    "agentPort": 443,
    // For bots only
    "botUsername": "my-bot-name",
    "botEmailAddress": "",
    // For bots using RSA authentication
    "botPrivateKeyPath": "/path/to/rsa/private-key/",
    "botPrivateKeyName": "bot-private-key.pem",
    // For bots using certificate authentication
    "botCertPath": "/path/to/bot-cert/",
    "botCertName": "bot-cert.p12",
    "botCertPassword": "bot-cert-password",
    // For extension apps only
    "appId": "app-id",
    // For extension apps using RSA authentication
    "appPrivateKeyPath": "/path/to/rsa-private-key/",
    "appPrivateKeyName": "app-private-key.pkcs8",
    // For extension apps using certificate authentication
    "appCertPath": "/path/to/app-cert/",
    "appCertName": "app-cert.p12",
    "appCertPassword": "app-cert-password",
    // Optional: If the connection to the pod (but not the agent) needs to run through a proxy
    "podProxyURL": "http://localhost:3128",
    "podProxyUsername": "proxy-username",
    "podProxyPassword": "proxy-password",
    // Optional: If the connection to both the pod and the agent needs to run through a proxy
    //           Do not include the podProxy properties if using this
    "proxyURL": "http://localhost:3128",
    "proxyUsername": "proxy-username",
    "proxyPassword": "proxy-password",
    // Optional: If the connection to the key manager needs to run through a proxy
    "keyManagerProxyURL": "http://localhost:3128",
    "keyManagerProxyUsername": "proxy-username",
    "keyManagerProxyPassword": "proxy-password",
    // Optional: If the SSL connection to any endpoint uses private or self-signed certificates
    "truststorePath": "/path/to/store/truststore.pks",
    "truststorePassword": "changeit",
    // Optional: To modify the default datafeed handling properties
    "datafeedEventsThreadpoolSize": 5,
    "datafeedEventsErrorTimeout": 30,
    // Optional: Request filter pattern to verify JWT
    "authenticationFilterUrlPattern": "/v1/",

Getting Started

Automatic bootstrap

// Load configuration, authenticate and get bot client
// Uses file in working directory if exists, else uses resource in classpath
SymBotClient botClient = SymBotClient.initBotRsa("config.json"); // RSA-based auth or
SymBotClient botClient = SymBotClient.initBot("config.json");    // Cert-based auth

// Link datafeed listeners 
    new IMListenerImpl(botClient),
    new RoomListenerImpl(botClient)

Alternative: Manually load configuration and authentication

// Load configuration
// Uses file in working directory if exists, else uses resource in classpath
SymConfig config = SymConfigLoader.loadConfig("config.json");

// Authenticate
ISymAuth botAuth = new SymBotRSAAuth(config); // RSA-based auth or
ISymAuth botAuth = new SymBotAuth(config);    // Cert-based auth

// Get bot client
SymBotClient botClient = SymBotClient.initBot(config, botAuth);

// Link datafeed listeners
    new IMListenerImpl(botClient),
    new RoomListenerImpl(botClient)

Optional: Custom session and key-manager configurations

ClientConfig sessionAuthClientConfig = new ClientConfig();
ClientConfig kmAuthClientConfig = new ClientConfig();
ISymAuth botAuth = new SymBotRSAAuth(config, sessionAuthClientConfig, kmAuthClientConfig); // RSA-based or
ISymAuth botAuth = new SymBotAuth(config, sessionAuthClientConfig, kmAuthClientConfig);    // Certificate-based

Optional: Request filter

Provides a filter component to validate requests based on their JWT. To enable this feature, it's required that you instantiate the AuthenticationFilter (see example below) and a URL pattern which the filter will be applied to.

AuthenticationFilter filter = new AuthenticationFilter(symExtensionAppRSAAuth, config);

Example Project

Main Class

public class MyBot {
    private static SymBotClient botClient;

    public static void main(String [] args) {
        new MyBot();
    public MyBot() {
        botClient = SymBotClient.initBotRsa("config.json");
            new IMListenerImpl(),
            new RoomListenerImpl(),
            new ElementsListenerImpl()

    public static SymBotClient getBotClient() {
        return botClient;

IMListener Implementation

public class IMListenerImpl implements IMListener {
    public void onIMMessage(InboundMessage message) {
        SymBotClient bot = MyBot.getBotClient();
        String streamId = message.getStream().getStreamId();
        String messageOut = String.format("Hello %s!", message.getUser().getDisplayName());
        bot.getMessagesClient().sendMessage(streamId, new OutboundMessage(messageOut));

    public void onIMCreated(Stream stream) {}

RoomListener Implementation

public class RoomListenerImpl implements RoomListener {
    private SymBotClient bot;

    public RoomListenerImpl() { = MyBot.getBotClient();

    public void onRoomMessage(InboundMessage message) {
        String streamId = message.getStream().getStreamId();
        String firstName = message.getUser().getFirstName();
        String messageOut = String.format("Hello %s!", firstName);, new OutboundMessage(messageOut));

    public void onUserJoinedRoom(UserJoinedRoom userJoinedRoom) {
        String streamId = userJoinedRoom.getStream().getStreamId();
        String firstName = userJoinedRoom.getAffectedUser().getFirstName();
        String messageOut = String.format("Welcome %s!", firstName);, new OutboundMessage(messageOut));

    public void onRoomCreated(RoomCreated roomCreated) {}
    public void onRoomDeactivated(RoomDeactivated roomDeactivated) {}
    public void onRoomMemberDemotedFromOwner(RoomMemberDemotedFromOwner roomMemberDemotedFromOwner) {}
    public void onRoomMemberPromotedToOwner(RoomMemberPromotedToOwner roomMemberPromotedToOwner) {}
    public void onRoomReactivated(Stream stream) {}
    public void onRoomUpdated(RoomUpdated roomUpdated) {}
    public void onUserLeftRoom(UserLeftRoom userLeftRoom) {}

ElementsListener Implementation

public class ElementsListenerImpl implements ElementsListener {
    public void onElementsAction(User initiator, SymphonyElementsAction action) {
        SymBotClient bot = MyBot.getBotClient();
        Map<String, Object> formValues = action.getFormValues();
        String input = (String) formValues.get("input-name");

        String messageOut = String.format("Hi %s! You entered: %s", initiator.getFirstName(), input);
        bot.getMessagesClient().sendMessage(action.getStreamId(), new OutboundMessage(messageOut));

Symphony Elements FormBuilder

String formML = FormBuilder.builder("sec-finder-form")
    .addHeader(6, "Security Reference")
    .addTextField("secCode", "", "Enter a code..", true, false, 1, 15)
    .addHeader(6, "Assigned To:")
    .addPersonSelector("assignedTo", "Assign to..", false)
    .addHeader(6, "Trade Status:")
    .addRadioButton("status", "Pending", "pending", true)
    .addRadioButton("status", "Confirmed", "confirmed", false)
    .addRadioButton("status", "Settled", "settled", false)
    .addHeader(6, "Desk:")
    .addDropdownMenu("assetClass", false, Arrays.asList(
        new DropdownMenuOption("eq", "Equities", true),
        new DropdownMenuOption("fi", "Credit", false),
        new DropdownMenuOption("fx", "FX", false),
        new DropdownMenuOption("rates", "Rates", false)
    .addCheckBox("deliverable", "Non-Deliverable?", "nd", false)
    .addHeader(6, "Remarks:")
    .addTextArea("remarks", "", "Enter your remarks..", false)
    .addButton("confirm", "Confirm", FormButtonType.ACTION)
    .addButton("reset", "Reset", FormButtonType.RESET)

botClient.getMessagesClient().sendMessage(streamId, new OutboundMessage(formML));

Advanced Configuration for Load Balancing

Create an additional configuration file to support load balancing. There are 3 supported types:

  • Round-Robin
  • Random
  • External

Round-robin and random load balancing are managed by this library based on the servers provided in the agentServers array.

External load-balancing is managed by an external DNS, cloud provider or hardware-based solution. List only one load balancer frontend hostname in the agentServers array (subsequent server entries for the external method are ignored).

Note: that this method requires all underlying agent servers to implement an additional switch with the current server's FQDN in their script.

exec java $JAVA_OPTS

There is also support for sticky sessions, which should be true for any bot that requires the datafeed loop. Using non-sticky load-balanced configuration with a datafeed loop will result in unexpected results.

    "loadBalancing": {
        "method": "random", // or roundrobin or external
        "stickySessions": true
    "agentServers": [

Loading advanced configuration

Automatic bootstrap

// Load configuration, authenticate and get bot client
// Uses files in working directory if they exist, else uses resources in classpath
SymBotClient botClient = SymBotClient.initBotLoadBalancedRsa("config.json", "lb-config.json"); // RSA-based auth or
SymBotClient botClient = SymBotClient.initBotLoadBalanced("config.json", "lb-config.json");    // Cert-based auth

Alternative: Manually load configuration and authentication

// Load configuration
// Uses files in working directory if they exist, else uses resources in classpath
SymConfig config = SymConfigLoader.loadConfig("config.json");
SymLoadBalancedConfig lbConfig = SymConfigLoader.loadLoadBalancerConfig("lb-config.json");

// Authenticate
ISymAuth botAuth = new SymBotRSAAuth(config); // RSA-based auth or
ISymAuth botAuth = new SymBotAuth(config);    // Cert-based auth

// Get bot client
SymBotClient botClient = SymBotClient.initBot(config, botAuth, lbConfig);