
Adds an option for Tridion CD classes to output links compatible with NetBiscuits BML

Primary LanguageC#

Dynamic Linking for NetBiscuits

Extended Tridion Content Delivery classes for .Net to enable dynamic linking with NetBiscuits

What does it do?

Adds an option for Tridion CD classes to output links compatible with NetBiscuits BML. Current version only handles ComponentLinks.


Front-end (NetBiscuitLinking):

  • Add a reference to Tridion.ContentDelivery.dll to NetBiscuitLinking and compile

  • Copy the DLL to the bin-folder of your web application

  • If you want to use tridion-prefix for the controls make sure that you load this DLL instead of the original one

Back-end (NetBiscuitTemplating):

  • Add references to missing Tridion DLLs (you can find them under TRIDION_HOME\bin)

  • Upload the DLL to Tridion using TcmUploadAssembly

  • Add the TBB to your Page Template after the DWT (i.e. after Output-item is in the package)


Output standard BML from your template and the included TBB will handle the conversion from the BML to an appropriate ComponentLink-tag which in turn will be converted back into BML with a dynamic link on the front-end.

For example:

[url="tcm:1-234"]Dynamic Link[/url]

Will be converted by the TBB to

<tridion:ComponentLink ComponentURI="tcm:1-234" NetBiscuitLinkType="URL" LinkText="Dynamic Link" runat="server" />

And when a page containing that tag is served to a user it is converted back to BML with a correct link (assuming there is a page published with that content)

[url="/something/link.html"]Dynamic Link[/url]

The TBB supports the following types of links

[url="tcm:1-234"]Dynamic Link[/url]
[urlnofollow="tcm:1-234"]Dynamic Link[/urlnofollow]
<link href="tcm:1-234">Dynamic Link</link>
<cell href="tcm:1-234">Dynamic Link</cell>

Note that cell-tag might contain plenty of styling and additional elements, i.e.

  <cell align="left" width="50%" href="tcm:1-234"><img src="/images/image.jpg" /></cell>

This will be then converted to

  <tridion:ComponentLink ComponentURI="tcm:1-234" NetBiscuitLinkType="Cell" LinkText="" runat="server"><OutputMarkup><cell align="left" width="50%" href="{0}"><img src="/images/image.jpg" /></cell></OutputMarkup></tridion:ComponentLink>

And of course, back to BML on the front-end when serving the page.

Related links

[Getting Started with NetBiscuits] (http://www.asierfernandez.com/2012/03/netbiscuits-helloworld-with-custom-net.html)


Vesa Paakkanen

Asier Fernandez


Licensed under the MIT License.