react-native-everywhere is now re-start (where re stands for react-everywhere). Good news is that react-native-cli now supports templates. So, it makes makes much more sense if this project is a react-native-template, which will remove the need to update this project with every major release of react-native. It just works as of now on all the platforms. So, no more git cloning.
Node.js & npm on your system(follow this)
react-native CLI (npm install -g react-native-cli
All you have to do is:
- Create a new react-native project using react-native-cli and specify this project as a template:
react-native init <Your Project Name> --template everywhere
- Since react-native-template does'nt support adding dev dependencies and custom scripts to package.json, so I have created a custom script to do that.
node scripts/addDevDependencies.js
Note: If the above script fails due to some reason, you can do it manually by copying the contents of devDependencies.json to your package.json's devDependencies object and adding following to the scripts object.
"web": "node scripts/start.js",
"build": "node scripts/build.js"
react-native run-android
react-native run-ios
npm/yarn run web
react-native windows
react-native run-windows
npm/yarn run build
(this will build your production ready bundle)
- react-native-vector-icons
- re-render (this is experimental and a WIP)
- axios
- react-navigation (might be included in ReactNativeEverywhere soon)
- support for web (react-native-web)
- support for Windows (react-native-windows)
- Add example projects for each branch
- Add media queries for web