
Veris React UI components for web is created using create-react-library, for more details visit For documentation of styleguide we are using react-styleguidist so for more details on how to document the components follow this link


  • Clone this repo and then run the following commands in the cloned directory for setting up the local package:
npm i
npm run build
npm link
  • To setup react-styleguidist (Package used for documenting components). Make sure you are in styleguidist directory. package:
cd /styleguidist 
npm i
npm run start //To run the server
npm run build //To build the styleguide. Output is available in docs directory at root level.


Run the following command in the project where you wish to use the local package.

npm link veris-styleguide

Then you can import the components like any normal npm package:

import React, { Component } from 'react'

import {Input, Label ...} from 'veris-styleguide'

class Example extends Component {
  render() {
    return <Input/>

Note: Rename index.css to veris-styleguide.css and add a link in html file as shown below and upload the veris-styleguide.css to Veris instance specific S3 Bucket

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="veris-styleguide.css">

Publish Styleguide

Run the following command in styleguidist folder

npm run build

If any error arises try using sudo. If error still persists delete the docs folder and try again. Build will be available in docs folder at root level. Commit everything to master branch and push the changes, changes will automatically get reflected.

If changes are not reflected then open the index.html file in docs folder make some minor change in it like adding a whitespace and save the file. Try again it should work.