

The Claystruder project is part of the digifabTuring research, that are a research cluster focused about digital fabrication + robotic automation and material research applied in the field of architecture, interaction design and art. digifabTuring rises from a collaboration between several partners: Fablab Torino, Officine Arduino, Co-de-iT with COMAU and Toolbox Coworking.

We have adapted an FDM Extruder system (E3D Titan) to use it with a COMAU NJ60 anthropomorphic arm.

We have developed a Grasshopper definition to, that allow the user to generate the printing toolpath in a simple way. The definition was created to:

  • transform toolpath curves into data to control a 6 axis robot movements
  • convert the data to COMAU robot programming language PDL2
  • do a raw preliminary check of possible collisions between the robot and surrounding objects (basically the work area plane)
  • control a clay extruder and simulate its material extrusion path and deposition

A project of digifabTuring Developed by:

Stefano Paradiso from FablabTorino/Officine Arduino, Andrea Graziano, Marco Palma and Alessio Erioli from Co-de-iT