Zybo Z7-20 reVISION Platform

Created for SDx 2017.4, Vivado 2017.4, and Petalinux 2017.4

Downloading and Using the Platform

Please click on the releases tab in github to download the latest release for your version of SDx. A README.txt is included with the release that describes how to use the SDSoC platform.

Platform Sources

This repository is used by Digilent to version control all the sources used to create the platform. It contains the Vivado IPI project, an SDx platform generator project and a Petalinux project. The SDSoC platform generator project also contains a submodule with a port of the Xilinx xfopencv libraries and a submodule with the Digilent prepared xfopencv samples. These parts all come together to form the reVISION Platform.

Advanced users who wish to make modifications to this platform or use it as a reference are welcome to. This may be a challenging task for beginners, If you need help please feel free to reach out on https://forum.digilentinc.com.

Included Documentation

This document contains a procedure for building all the sources and generating the output platform, however there are several other useful documents in this repo.


This document describes the modifications that needed to be made to the standard Petalinux project for this board in order to work with SDSoC and xfopencv.


The standard README that ships with Digilent Petalinux projects. It contains useful information for using and building the included Petalinux project.


The README.txt that is included with the platfrom release. It contains instructions for how to use the built platform in SDx to design SDx applications. It should be referred to by those interested in only using the platform.

Known Issues

  1. In the Vivado block diagram, typically the processing system IP core will infer a BUFG on the FCLK signals. For some reason, this is occuring for FCLK0 only. FCLK2 seems to be getting a BUFG added during implementation, so it doesn't cause any issues for that net, but FCLK 1 was being routed as a normal signal (not on the global clock network). This caused insanely long build times and failure to meet timing. The current work around is to manually insert a BUFG on FCLK1 using a util_ds_buf IP core.

  2. The included vivado project has several critical warnings that complain about negative values in the DDR parameters. These can be safely ignored. The warnings look similar to:

PCW_UIPARAM_DDR_DQS_TO_CLK_DELAY_* has negative value...
  1. Board files and IP repo are forked and locally included with the Vivado project. It should be possible to reduce redundancy by including them both as submodules.

  2. Currently we have not been able to get the Zybo Z7-20 to boot with a rootfs this large in initramfs mode. Our work around is to use an SD rootfs loaded on the second partition of the SD card. This allows for larger file system space, persistent changes, and more available system memory, but requires additional steps to prepare the SD card. Since the rootfs is not altered by SDx, a user of this platform should only have to flash the SD card once.

See sdsoc/README.txt for additional known issues related to use of the platform.

Building the Platform

    WARNING*** You must have obtained this package using "git clone --recursive 
    https://github.com/Digilent/reVISION-Zybo-Z7-20.git" or else these instructions 
    will not work.


  1. Host computer running Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS

  2. Xilinx SDx 2017.4 installed to /opt/Xilinx/SDx/

  3. Petalinux 2017.4 installed to /opt/pkg/petalinux/

  4. Package must have been obtained using "git clone --recursive https://github.com/Digilent/reVISION-Zybo-Z7-20.git" or else these instructions will not work.

     NOTE*** This procedure assumes some basic experience with Vivado IP Integrator 
     and PetaLinux.


  1. If you have built the Vivado IPI project at least once and it has not changed since the last build you can skip this step. Otherwise do the following:

    1. Open a terminal and run "source /opt/Xilinx/SDx/2017.4/settings64.sh"

    2. cd into the vivado/zybo_z7_20/ folder

    3. Run "./cleanup.sh" at the terminal if you have pulled remote changes since the last time you have built the project. If you have not pulled any changes to the vivado project from git or it is your first time building the project then you do not need to run the script.

    4. run "vivado" at the terminal to open Vivado.

    5. Click Open Block Design in the flow navigator. You can modify the design if you like at this point.

    6. Generate the bitstream, relaunching synthesis and implementation.

    7. Open the Implemented Design and then click File->Export->Hardware. Include the bitstream and save it to the hw_handoff folder. Overwrite the existing file.

    8. At the tcl console in vivado, run "source ./create_dsa.tcl". Ignore warnings that say that the design has changed since last build.

    9. Close Vivado and the terminal. You don't have to save the block diagram if asked, the create_dsa.tcl script needlessly makes it dirty.

  2. If changes have been made to the petalinux project or the vivado project, or the petalinux project has not been built yet since cloning this repo, the following must be done:

    1. Open a new terminal and run "source /opt/pkg/petalinux/settings.sh".

    2. cd into the linux/Zybo-Z7-20/ directory of this repo. Run "petalinux-config --get-hw-description=../../hw_handoff" and exit the menu that opens.

    3. Additional changes to the petalinux project can be made at this time, as needed.

    4. Build the project using petalinux-build.

    5. Close the terminal

  3. Open a terminal and cd into the sdsoc/zybo_z7_20/resources/ folder.

  4. Run "./copy_files.sh". If errors are reported that files do not exist, then step 1 or 2 likely needs to be rerun.

  5. cd to your home directory and run "source /opt/Xilinx/SDx/2017.4/settings64.sh"

  6. run "sdx" to open SDx

  7. Choose the sdsoc folder of this repo as your workspace.

  8. If this is the first time opening the workspace, click Import Project on the Welcome screen. In the window that opens, select the sdsoc folder as the root directory and click finish to import the zybo_z7_20 platform project. Skip this step if the workspace already has the project imported.

  9. In the Project Explorer pane, double click platform.spr in the zybo_z7_20 project. Changes, such as adding library and include paths, can be made to the platform at this point. See UG1146 from Xilinx for information on using this tool to define the SDSoC platform.

  10. Click the hammer in the zybo_z7_20 pane to generate the platform. After it finishes the console should indicate that the platform was generated successfully. Close SDx.

  11. Open a new terminal and cd into the sdsoc folder. Run the following:

    sudo ./finalize_platform.sh

    If you will be doing a release (see the next section) then you should run the script with a single argument that indicates the release number to also generate a release package in sdsoc/zybo_z7_20/export/. For example:

    sudo ./finalize_platform.sh 1
  12. The platform is now ready to use! It can be found in sdsoc/zybo_z7_20/export/. In order to use it, you must exit SDx and create a new, empty workspace. Then follow the steps included in the platform's README.txt to create and run a sample program.

    WARNING*** Make sure you use a new, empty workspace, not the workspace 
               with the platform generator project. SDx currently has a bug 
               that breaks the ability to hardware accelerate functions in a
               platform's include path when that platform's project is also 
               in the workspace.

Platform Release Procedure

The following procedure describes how to push your modifications back to the Digilent github (or a fork hosted elsewhere) and generate a release package.

  1. cd to the root folder of this repo (reVISION-Zybo-Z7-20). Run git status to see if any changes have been made to the project. If it appears generated files, logs, or other unneeded files are seen in the git status output, then .gitignore should be modified to exclude them. Do not check in unneeded files.

  2. Use "git add ." and "git commit" to commit the changes

  3. Run git status again. If it reports that the linux submodule has changes then run the following:

     cd linux
     git checkout -b revision <skip this step if already done since cloning the repo>
     git status <check to make sure that only needed files will be commited, change .gitignore if not>
     git add . 
     git commit <write a commit message for the Petalinux submodule>
     git push -u origin revision
     cd ..
     git add linux
     git commit <write commit message that indicates "updated linux submodule">
  4. If git status indicates there are changes to another submodule, then rerun step 3 for it to push the changes. It is likely that the branch name in the checkout and several other steps will need to change.

  5. cd back to the repo's root directory, ensure that all changes are commited, and push the commits to github.

  6. Create a github release that targets the most recent commit and attach the sdsoc/zybo_z7_20/export/reVISION-Zybo-Z7-20-20XX.X-Y.zip file to it (see step 12 of previous section if it doesn't exist).