Senior Software Engineer, IT specialist, Teacher and Mentor. Traveler, trance music lover, book reader and etc.
Belarus, Gomel
Pinned Repositories
Special application and scripts to work with IRS Actuarial Factors 1990 and extract data from PDF files and save as JSON. Can extend with code to process data after processing to save to Excel or DB and etc.
Проект небольшого приложения по теме "Автоматизация технологической подготовки производства" в рамках обучения в университете.
My personal Azure Tool for reading billing data about payable period on Azure Subscription (in *.csv files) and get detail info about your costs.
.NET client library for the CyberSource REST API
The library that will provide authentication functionality to work with CyberSource and related to using REST API from .NET applications.
Special private repository to use for user profile.
Service template to use to start the new service development with basic and minimal needed functionality.
The simple application to help to do some activities with the Git repository and work with Azure DevOps (create PRs, compare branches, etc.). Private tool created for internal usage.
Simple web application and service (API) to monitor and get details about the services to identify common information across environments.
Digiman's Repositories
The library that will provide authentication functionality to work with CyberSource and related to using REST API from .NET applications.
Special application and scripts to work with IRS Actuarial Factors 1990 and extract data from PDF files and save as JSON. Can extend with code to process data after processing to save to Excel or DB and etc.
My personal Azure Tool for reading billing data about payable period on Azure Subscription (in *.csv files) and get detail info about your costs.
.NET client library for the CyberSource REST API
Simple web application and service (API) to monitor and get details about the services to identify common information across environments.
Проект небольшого приложения по теме "Автоматизация технологической подготовки производства" в рамках обучения в университете.
Special private repository to use for user profile.
Service template to use to start the new service development with basic and minimal needed functionality.
The simple application to help to do some activities with the Git repository and work with Azure DevOps (create PRs, compare branches, etc.). Private tool created for internal usage.
Sample repository for helper applications and tools to support learning and testing of the applications build by students.