Chronicling-Germany: A Historic Newspaper Dataset

Our layout recognition model is divided into three subtasks:

  1. Layout segmentation
  2. Baseline detection
  3. Optical character recognition

All tasks are trained and evaluated individually, but work together to extract text from a given input document (see Prediction Pipeline).

An Overview over our pipeline


Tested on Python 3.10.4. Two separate environments are needed for layout segmentation and OCR. Layout segmentation and baseline detection use the requirements.txt in the main folder. The OCR uses src/OCR/requirements.txt.


To download our dataset and our model the script can be used:

python src/ --all

Use --all to download the dataset and the models. With --dataset and --models you can download only one of both. Use --dataset-path and --model-path to change the folder where the downloaded files are saved. Defaults are data/ and models/

Prediction Pipeline

To run the complete prediction from an input image to an annotation xml with layout and text our pipeline in can be used with the only argument being the data folder path. This pipeline needs two conda environments named 'layout' and 'ocr' (see requirements).

bash data/

Layout Segmentation

An image segmentation model for the detection of structure in historical newspaper pages

Model based on:

Preprocessing and Training

Depending on your setup, you may require PYTHONPATH=. in front of the commands below.

Before starting the training process all data has to be converted. This command loads xml annotation data and converts it to .npy files.

python src/layout_segmentation/ -a annotations/ -o targets/

The Training script assumes, that the supplied data folder contains 'targets' and 'images' folders.

python src/layout_segmentation/ -e 100 -n experiment_name -b 64 -d data_folder/  -g 4 -w 32

If the training process has to be interrupted, training can be continued by executing this command.

python src/layout_segmentation/ -e 100 -n experiment_name -b 64 -d data_folder/  -l model_name -ls -g 4 -w 32


Prediction takes in images and processes them with a specified model. The image is processed in its entirety. This can lead to cuda out of memory errors, if the resulution is too high. Furthermore, one has to specifiy an image size, to which the image will be padded. If the number of pixel on one of the side is not divisible at least 6 times by 2, the prediction will fail.

If an output folder is specified, images of the prediction will be saved in that folder. However, this option seriously increases execution time and should only be used for debugging. If the -e option is active, the xml files will be exported to a page folder within the data folder. If there are already xml files, those will be overwritten.

Example for calling the predict script.

python src/layout_segmentation/ -d ../../data/ -m models/ -p 5760 7680 -t 0.6 -s 0.5 -e -bt 100````


At the end of each training run, the early stopping result is evaluated. For evaluating a model without training it, use -- evaluate.

python src/layout_segmentation/ -n evaluate -b 64 -d data_folder/ -l model_name -g 4 -w 32 --evaluate

Uncertainty predict

To analyse the models predictions we added a --uncertainty-predict option to the prediction function. With this option the predict function does not output the prediction, instead it outputs the areas of uncertainty of the models. This areas are all pixels that have a predicted probability under the given threshold for the ground truth class. For this, images and groud truth are required.

python src/layout_segmentation/ -d data_folder/ -o output_folder/ -m path/to/model/ -a dh_segment -p 5760 7360 -s 0.5 --transkribus-export --uncertainty-predict

Baseline detection

Baseline detection is based on the idea of pero: O Kodym, M Hradiš: Page Layout Analysis System for Unconstrained Historic Documents. ICDAR, 2021.

Preprocessing and Training

The trainings script need targets saved as .npz files. The target can be created by with our preprocessing script.

python -m src.baseline_detection.pero.preprocess -i path/to/images -a path/to/annotations -o path/to/output/folder

The preprocessed data can then be splited into our train, valid and test split with:

python -m src.baseline_detection.split -i path/to/images -a path/to/targets -o path/to/output/folder

The training script can then be started with:

python -m src.baseline_detection.pero.trainer -n NameOfTheModel -t path/to/train/data -v path/to/train/data -e 200


The baseline prediction uses the layout (prediction) to differentiate between different text regions and exclude Table regions. It can be started with:

python -m src.baseline_detection.pero.predict -i path/to/images -l path/to/layout/annotations -o path/to/output/folder -m path/to/model

The image folder and the layout folder can be the same, but the name of the image file and the .xml file with the layout annotations must match.

Optical character recognition

The OCR is based on Kraken (

NOTE: Kraken uses an older shapely version and is therefore not compatible with our code for layout segmentation and baseline detection. Therefore a separate python enviroment is required for the OCR subtask. The necessary requirements can be found in the reqierements.txt in src/OCR

Preprocessing and Training

Kraken uses the filename in the .xml file to find the image while training. So the image files should always be in the same folder as the annotation files. For preprocessing we padded all images and the annotations by 10 pixels. This can be done by:

python -m src.OCR.preprocess -i path/to/image/data -a path/to/annotation/data  -o path/to/output/folder

After that the training can be stared:

python -m src.OCR.train -n NameOfTheModel -t path/to/train/data -v path/to/valid/data


To predict the Text in an image our tool needs baseline (predictions). The process can be started with:

python -m src.OCR.predict -i path/to/images -l path/to/annotations -o path/to/output/folder -m path/to/model

Again the image folder and the layout annotation folder can be the same, but the name of the image file and the .xml file with the layout annotations must match.

Code Style

Pylint can be used with pycharm by installing the pylint plugin.

My py can be used with pycharm by installing the my py plugin.


logs can be accessed trough command line

tensorboard --logdir logs/runs

or with magic commands in jupiter notebooks

%load_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir logs/runs


      title={Chronicling Germany: An Annotated Historical Newspaper Dataset}, 
      author={Christian Schultze and Niklas Kerkfeld and Kara Kuebart and Princilia Weber and Moritz Wolter and Felix Selgert},