
Primary LanguageC++

Tutorial W01 - Settings things up

This tutorial has two purposes:

  1. match your github username to your student ID
  2. make sure you can build and run the starter code

Part 1: match github to student ID

  1. Insert your information (full name, student id, nethz username) into my-info.json.

  2. Commit and push the changes to my-info.json. For example:

    git add my-info.json
    git commit -m "added my information"
    git push
  3. Verify that your changes were uploaded to github.com by checking github.com/DigitalHumans-23/a0-YOUR_GITHUB_NAME

Part 2: build and run starter code

This tutorial is to make sure your computer and you are both set up for future assignements. For future assignements, you will have to commit and push your solutions to github. Commits (or rather pushes) after the deadline will be disregarded. So make sure you are ready and test out things with this assignment.


Make sure you install the following:

  • Git (https://git-scm.com)

    • Windows: download installer from website
    • Linux: e.g. sudo apt install git
    • MacOS: e.g. brew install git
  • CMake (https://cmake.org/)

    • Windows: download installer from website
    • Linux: e.g. sudo apt install cmake
    • MacOS: e.g. brew install cmake
  • Build tools:

  • Additional dependencies:

    • Linux: sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends -qq freeglut3-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev

Building the code

On Windows, you can use Git Bash to perform the steps mentioned below.

  1. Git clone your project, e.g.:

    git clone git@github.com:Digital-Humans-23/a0-XXX.git
  2. Run CMake to create project files

    cd a0-XXX
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
  3. Compile code and run executable

    • for Linux:
    • for MacOS:
    • for Windows:
      • open build/a0.sln in Visual Studio
      • in the project explorer, right-click target "app" and set as startup app.
      • Hit F5!
  4. Implement the function math::add in the file src/libs/simple-math/src/add.cpp

  5. Check if test passed: make && make test && ctest -V

  6. Commit and push changes, and check on github if test also passed.

Some comments

  • If you are new to git, there are many tutorials online, e.g. http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/.

  • You will not have to edit any CMake file, so no real understanding of CMake is required. You might however want to generate build files for your favorite editor/IDE: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-generators.7.html

  • If you want to use VS Code, follow the instructions below:

    • Install the following VS Code extensions.
    • Create a folder called .vscode and copy paste the file misc/settings.json into it.
    • Select a kit/variant and configure the project. See this for more details (this corresponds to cmake ..)
    • Click "Build" button in status bar (bar at the botton) to compile and run the executable by "Launch" button.
    • If you want to debug your code, set cmake mode into "CMake: [Debug]" and click "Launch the debugger" button.
      • In "CMake: [Debug]" mode, the executable tends to run very slowly. Select "CMake: [Release]" to run the code fast (but in Release mode you cannot use breakpoints).

status bar