
Omeka plugin that adds "Author" and "Editor" roles

Primary LanguagePHP

More User Roles


This plugin adds two new user roles to Omeka sites, modifies one, and lightly modifies the admin user forms.

User Roles

  • Authors inherit the rights of Contributors but are able to publish their own items.*
  • Editors inherit the rights of Authors but are able to edit and delete Items and Files created by other users and make items Featured.*

* When the plugin is uninstalled, Author and Editor users are demoted to the Contributor role.

  • Researchers gain the ability to view unpublished Exhibits if Exhibit Builder is activated

Form Modifications

  • Sorts user roles by "power" – from least to most – in the user admin dropdowns
  • Annotates which user roles are created or modified by the plugin
  • Adds a link to plugin documentation on Github.