
[Live Project](/ put the url /) | [Overview](/ put the github url /) | [Team](/ put the team cohort url /) | What We Used | MVP | Challenges | Code | Screenshots | Contributing


Add overview

Our conceputual goals for the site

  • goal 1
    • write here
  • goal 1
    • write here
    • goal 1
      • write here

Github Link

Team Members

What we used


  • mongoDB

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JavaScript

    • Angular JS
    • Node JS


  • Flask



  • AWS
  • Apache
  • Add icon source and url later....

MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

Beer App is .... Many writers struggle to write sentences of appropriate length. Some writers write short sentences, which can make an essay seem choppy. Other writers tend to write long sentences, which can make the writing seem long-winded or wordy, even if it isn’t. Good writing contains sentences of a variety of lengths: some short, some long, some medium. This page provides some suggestions for intentionally changing sentence length.

Initial Goals

  • Add the Initial goals here...

Stretch Goals

  • Add strch goals here...

Code examples

Javascript highlight
$scope.numberResult = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1;
$scope.item = data[Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))];
else if (chelevel === 3){
  $scope.optionsArray = data;
  $scope.expectedResult = [i_obj,want_obj,$scope.item] ;
Backend.JS Basic Schema
const Cards = mongoose.model('card',{
  category : String,
  items : [
      name : String,
      wobble : String


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Project History

12/19/2016 - Project Start

01/07/2017 - Project Completion and Deployment