
This repository holds the Python scripts used in the research article (https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2717) published in Population, Space and Place

Primary LanguagePython


This repo is for Python scripts for "Capturing urban diversity through languages: long-term changes in multilingual residential neighbourhoods in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area" published in Population, Space and Place.

Pre-analysis steps

Suggested running order of scripts

Step Script Description Input Output
1 calculate_langfam_diversity.py Calculates diversity of language families per grid cell Output from Step 1 Geopackages
2 add_langfam_genus.py Adds information on the family and genus per each language First language information per individual in a CSV file Language family and genus information per individual
3 calculate_speakers.py Calculates the number of speakers per a grid cell across the language groups used in the article First language information per individual in a CSV file Geopackage
4 calculate_language_changes.py Calculates how many times individuals have changed their language First language information per individual in a CSV file Pickled dataframe on changes
5 HMA_overall_diversityplot.py Plots subplots in Figure 1 and full Figure 2 Individual-level data from Statistics Finland PDF Figures
6 get_gridcell_histories.py Gets annual linguistic diversity values per grid cell Geopackage of diversity information per grid cell Geopackage of metric-specific grid cell histories
7 calculate_livingspace_commutes.py Aggregates the records on living space and commute distances to grid cells FOLK commuting and employment statistics Pickled data frame
8 add_livingspace_commute_to_HMAgrid.py Adds the calculated values from Step 5 to the spatial grid data Step 5 Geopackage
9 plot_diversities_in_new_old_stable_grids.py Provides non-normalized plots for Figure 5 Output from step 4 PDF Graph and pickled dataframes
10 norm_grid_trajectories.py Calculates the normalized values of grid trajectories Geopackage of diversity information per grid cell PDF Graphs and pickled dataframes
11 popweigh_grid_trajectories.py Calculates the population-weighted average values of grid trajectories Geopackage of diversity information per grid cell PDF Graphs and pickled dataframes
12 plot_grid_diversitiyes_figure5.py Plots final Figure 5 Outputs from steps 8 and 9 PDF Graph
13 plot_divs_est_som_87-19.py Plots figures 9 and 10, yields outputs Output from Step 1 Figures 9 and 10, dataframes
14 plot_weighted_divs_est_som_87-19.py Plots Figure 4 Output from Step 2 Geopackage with stability classficiations
15 calculate_spatial_markov.py Calculate and plot Markov chain matrices Output from Step 5 PDF matrices (Figure 6) and matrices as pickled dataframes
16 compare_markov.py Compares Markov probability matrices with Jensen-Shannon distances Outputs Figure 7 PNG file

Other information

Some of these scripts have not been formatted to be flexibly used on all computers. You might have to alter some hard-coded filepaths.