
Cynthia Damon's edition of Caesar's Bellum Alexandrinum

Bellum Alexandrinum

This is the official repository for data related to Bellum Alexandrinum, edited by Cynthia Damon et al. and to be published by the Digital Latin Library with the imprimatur of the Society for Classical Studies and under the authority of the University of Oklahoma.

The files presented here are beta versions. They will be published at a later date after final peer review overseen by the SCS.


  • ldlt-balex.xml contains the canonical data for the edition and Studies on the Text of the Bellum Alexandrinum.
  • ldlt-balex.pdf is a printable version of the edition. It is formatted to fit two pages to one sheet of A4 paper.
  • ldlt-balex.latex is a LaTeX file generated by the DLL Stylesheet. It is the source for ldlt-balex.pdf.

An interactive, browser-based version of the edition is available at https://ldlt.digitallatin.org/editions/bellum_alexandrinum/.


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