a repo for working on our documentation and templates explaining project methods and workflow on the Digital Mitford project.
The following documentation files are available for consultation by the project team:
Using Git through Command Line (a quick reading guide with the commands you need for working with project files in GitHub)
Updating the Project Schema Line: We have a new and improved TEI-ODD generated schema, and we need to change our schema association lines to work with it. Here's how to do that.
Digital Mitford ODD documentation: A searchable index of all elements and attributes and schematron rules customizing our project.
Site Index: Guide to Occupation Types and Subtypes (a guide to marking people's occupations for site index entries, listing standard values for
) -
Poetry Editing Readme (under construction)
Agenda and notes for August 2018 Digital Mitford GitHub Workflow meeting (Elisa, Lisa, and Greg)
Project Notes / Roadmap from Sustaining DH Institute, Pittsburgh 10-11 December 2018
Agenda for Digital Mitford Pandemic Reboot Meeting: 28 June 2021