- 2
- 0
Support PHP 8.4
#335 opened by tacman - 1
- 1
- 2
Please remove "final" keyword from ExceptionThrower to allow extending this class.
#326 opened by lhridley - 1
Fetch IP address of Droplet
#321 opened by yskoverride - 2
Calling update() may result in data loss
#310 opened by dunglas - 2
Kubernetes support?
#312 opened by ingageco - 2
Uptime Checks
#313 opened by ryangurn - 1
package laravel not found
#318 opened by vncloudsco - 3
"Floating IPs" have been renamed to "Reserved IPs"
#307 opened by LucaRed - 1
Droplet entity missing VPC UUID property
#311 opened by phillip-elm - 2
- 1
Project Resources API
#306 opened by mohameedsherif - 2
Add support for Project Resources API
#303 opened by spicybeefnoodle - 2
dropletClient->getAll return empty array
#305 opened by mrahmadt - 7
[5.0] [RFC] Design for version 5.0
#249 opened by GrahamCampbell - 1
Meta.php Entity class, what is it for?
#301 opened by sdwru - 5
PHP 7.4 requirement
#302 opened by sdwru - 2
- 1
Ubuntu 20.04 composer install fail
#298 opened by sirchuck - 2
- 4
Add support for monitoring API
#294 opened by sdwru - 1
Policy on PHP 8 named argument usage?
#287 opened by webignition - 3
Feature request: delete droplet by tag
#282 opened by webignition - 2
Feature Request: CDN Endpoints
#260 opened by timramseyjr - 1
Floating IP assign/unassign methods should take in the IP address string rather than int.
#269 opened by LewisSmallwood - 2
- 4
- 1
Add Firewall class to Client.php
#273 opened by sdwru - 2
- 1
- 2
DomainRecord create method missing optional name attribute for NS records
#265 opened by LewisSmallwood - 1
PHP SDK for Spaces
#264 opened by menjilx - 2
Feature request: API for Apps
#262 opened by shihjay2 - 7
Please fix ResponseMediator CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER
#261 opened by alikmanukian - 1
- 1
How to create a database?
#253 opened by oleksandr-roskovynskyi - 2
Tagging Resources Throws a Runtime Exception
#254 opened by matt-croft - 2
Add certificate let`s encrypt
#234 opened by John-Henrique - 1
Guzzle 7 Support
#248 opened by GrahamCampbell - 7
Unable to authenticate you.
#238 opened by turigeza - 3
- 1
[3.0] Implement "ResultPager"
#251 opened by GrahamCampbell - 1
[3.0] Implement "ActionWaiter"
#250 opened by GrahamCampbell - 3
Release 3.0.0
#247 opened by glennjacobs - 4
Feature request: API for Firewalls
#232 opened by Conver - 1
Buzz 1.x support
#245 opened by glennjacobs - 36
Repository Maintenance and Contributions
#237 opened by cam-vanorman - 2
Fatal error: Uncaught DigitalOceanV2\Exception\HttpException: Request not processed. in /~/vendor/toin0u/digitalocean-v2/src/Adapter/GuzzleHttpAdapter.php:137
#241 opened by btafoya