
esp32 version of Ka-Radio (https://github.com/karawin/Ka-Radio)

Primary LanguageC


KaraDio32 in dev state: use at your own risk
Works on every esp32 board.
See the feature on https://hackaday.io/project/11570-wifi-webradio-with-esp8266-and-vs1053
The esp32 adds the output on the internal dac or with i2s to an external dac
but only mp3 stations can be played.
Adding a vs1053 board, all stations can be played.

Based on KaraDio for esp8266 and https://github.com/kodera2t/ESP32_OLED_webradio

Work with i2s or a vs1053
Output mode in Setting panel on web page of KaraDio32:
I2S for connection to a dac
I2SMERU to connect a merus amplifier
DAC to use the built in DAC of the esp32
PDM to output a PDM (Pulse Density Modulation) stream
VS1053 to connect to a vs1053 board.

You must install the idf https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf and the toolchain.

To flash all build output, run 'make flash' or:
python /home/yourhome/esp/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/esptool.py --chip esp32 --port com5 --baud 460800 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -u --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0x1000 /home/yourhome/esp/Ka-Radio32/build/bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x10000 /home/yourhome/esp/Ka-Radio32/build/KaRadio32.bin 0x8000 /home/yourhome/esp/Ka-Radio32/build/partitions.bin

GPIO Definition

// Define GPIO used in KaRadio32 //
// Compatible ESP32 ADB
// https://www.tindie.com/products/microwavemont/esp32-audio-developing-board-esp32-adb/

// HSPI pins
#define PIN_NUM_MISO GPIO_NUM_19 	// Master Input, Slave Output
#define PIN_NUM_MOSI GPIO_NUM_23	// Master Output, Slave Input   Named Data or SDA or D1 for oled
#define PIN_NUM_CLK  GPIO_NUM_18 	// Master clock  Named SCL or SCK or D0 for oled

// status led if any.
#define GPIO_LED	GPIO_NUM_4		// Flashing led or Playing led

// gpio of the vs1053
#define PIN_NUM_XCS  GPIO_NUM_32
#define PIN_NUM_RST  GPIO_NUM_12 
// + HSPI pins

// Encoder knob
#define PIN_ENC_A   GPIO_NUM_16		// CLK
#define PIN_ENC_B   GPIO_NUM_17		// DT
#define PIN_ENC_BTN GPIO_NUM_5		// SW

// I2C lcd
#define PIN_I2C_SCL GPIO_NUM_14
#define PIN_I2C_SDA GPIO_NUM_13
#define PIN_I2C_RST	GPIO_NUM_2		// or not used

// SPI lcd
// HSPI pins +
#define PIN_LCD_CS	GPIO_NUM_13		//CS
#define PIN_LCD_A0	GPIO_NUM_14		//A0 or D/C
#define PIN_LCD_RST	GPIO_NUM_2		//Reset RES RST or not used

// IR Signal
#define PIN_IR_SIGNAL GPIO_NUM_21	// Remote IR source

// I2S DAC or PDM output
#define PIN_I2S_LRCK GPIO_NUM_25
#define PIN_I2S_BCLK GPIO_NUM_26
#define PIN_I2S_DATA GPIO_NUM_22

Oled and lcd support

The type of lcd can be set with the uart or telnet command sys.lcd("x")
Status: in progress. Not finished.
Other type and some color lcd added later.

#define LCD_I2C_SH1106	0
#define LCD_I2C_SH1306	1
#define LCD_I2C_SSD1309	2
#define LCD_I2C_SSD1325 3
#define LCD_I2C_LS013B7DH03	4

#define LCD_SPI_SSD1306 		0x40  //64
#define LCD_SPI_SSD1309 		0x41
#define LCD_SPI_ST7565_ZOLEN	0x42
#define LCD_SPI_SSD1322_NHD		0x43
#define LCD_SPI_IL3820_V2		0x44
#define LCD_SPI_SSD1607			0x45

First use

  • If the acces point of your router is not known, the webradio inits itself as an AP. Connect the wifi of your computer to the ssid "WifiKaRadio",
  • Browse to to display the page, got to "setting" "Wifi" and configure your ssid ap, the password if any, the wanted IP or use dhcp if you know how to retrieve the dhcp given ip (terminal or scan of the network).
  • In the gateway field, enter the ip address of your router.
  • Validate. The equipment restart to the new configuration. Connect your wifi to your AP and browse to the ip given in configuration.
  • Congratulation, you can edit your own station list. Dont forget to save your stations list in case of problem or for new equipments.
  • if the AP is already know by the esp32, the default ip is given by dhcp.
  • a sample of stations list is on http://karadio.karawin.fr/WebStations.txt . Can be uploaded via the web page.

To flash your KaRadio32 you will need these files:
The tool to use is here: http://espressif.com/en/support/download/other-tools
(change the security of the installation directory to permit all)
See the image at http://karadio.karawin.fr/karawin32Flash.jpg


original code (w/o OLED) is

original readme:
Modified for OLED display support by kodera2t

Please use latest esp-idf environment (environment just before will make lots error)

OLED display mode for WiFi Radio/Bluetooth speaker will be set by menuconfig (select BT speaker or Wifi radio)

Bluetooth device name is defined in bt_config.h in include file folder. (default: "hogehoge_mont")

Wiring is same as original, as ESP pin - I2S signal

GPIO22        - DATA

and GPIO25/26 are fixed but GPIO22 can be re-arranged as you wish. (defined in components/audio_renderer.c)

I2C OLED is connected, as ESP pin - I2C signal

GPIO14   - SCL
GPIO13   - SDA

,which defined in app_main.c Please change as you wish...

More details can be found in the original author's explanation at https://github.com/MrBuddyCasino/ESP32_MP3_Decoder