
Ingress Intel for Your City

Primary LanguagePython

Ingress Intel for Your City

This Project Has Stoped

Due to violating TOS of Ingress and Hello from NianticOps.

Rules You Should Follow When Using this Project

  • Only collect one city on one server except the Ingress actions in collecting area are very few.
  • Request once or less per minute (once every 5 or 10 minutes may satisfy small citys)
  • Do not show old actions info for any agents (like data 90 days ago)


  • Unix/Linux (Windows is strongly not recommended)
  • Python 3.4+
  • Django 1.7+
  • requests

Install Python 3.4 on Ubuntu

Ubuntu 14.04 already have Python 3.4.0 in it officially. But if needed, can be built from source

sudo apt-get install build-essential libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 bzip2 libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libncursesw5-dev libreadline-gplv2-dev libgdbm-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev python-dev autoconf

And then:

wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.4.1/Python-3.4.1.tar.xz && \
tar xf ./Python-3.4.1.tar.xz && \
cd ./Python-3.4.1

make && sudo make install

Setup Django

See Setup Django for Python 3 for details.


  1. Create a file called settings_local.py under the same directory as settings.py.

  2. Login your Ingress account (may be banned :-( ) in Google Chrome browser. Use Chrome's Inspect Element to find out the Request Headers of request POST /r/getPlexts, which will needed in step 3.

  3. Edit the following values in settings_local.py:


and update the region range(You can find the Lat/Lng with Google Map ):

MIN_LAT = 41636215
MAX_LAT = 43761852
MIN_LNG = 141825375
MAX_LNG = 146483578
  1. Then we're ready to go (every time you run it, please make sure remove ~/.ingress/need_update.txt if it exists):

python3 manage.py test_collect

If you see some JSON-like outputs, then we are succeed. Otherwise, Please do step 2 and step 3 again.

  1. Database migrations
python3.4 manage.py migrate
  1. Collect for real
python3.4 manage.py collect
  1. Run Server and see.
python3.4 manage.py runserver 8080

Open browser to see

  1. Use python3.4 manage.py help to see other ingress commands.