
News in English message text should use singular verb

MikeMcC399 opened this issue · 5 comments

Avoid duplicates

  • Bug is not mentioned in the FAQ
  • Bug is not already reported in another issue

Technical details

  • OS version: Android 12
  • App version: 1.26.0

Describe the bug

CovPass may output a message "There are news about your certificates".

This is incorrect English grammar. According to "We use the uncountable noun news to mean ‘information or reports about recent events’. It takes a singular verb:
The news is good about Mary. The doctors are very happy about her progress.
Not: The news are good about Mary."

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Install CovPass
  2. Go through onboarding
  3. Scan a 2/2 vaccination certificate
  4. Exit the app and use Android to Close all apps
  5. Restart the app
  6. Note the message "There are news about your certificates"

Expected behaviour

The English-language message "There are news about your certificates" should use correct grammar.

Suggested fix

Change the text to "There is news about your certificates"

hey @MikeMcC399,

thank you for reporting this bug - we will keep you updated. But it will for sure be part of the upcoming fix.

This PR addresses this issue: Digitaler-Impfnachweis/covpass-apps-i18n#213

Hey everyone! Update: We are currently working on a HF 1.26.1 which will take care of:

1.) Wrong reason for Re-Issue mentioned (Android only)

2.) Misleading Text for (about to be expired) DCCs in DCC-Details

3.) Misleading Text within renewal process

4.) "there are news" but not "there is news" within notification

5.) In Investigation: "No renewal offered for 1/2 vaccination if it is the only vaccination

the bugs

6.) Notification about expiry is played out twice (Android only)

7.) Re-Open of the App required (Android only) is not stated by the info text

are currently in investigation - we will provide a fix asap but these two are not expected to be fixed within the HF.

Thank you all for the patience and supporting discussions! 🦸


Have you updated to version 1.26.1 of CovPass and re-checked this issue?

This issue is fixed in 1.26.1.