Basic boilerplate for Next.js projects using Typescript, Tailwind; with testing features from Jest & React Testing Library
Project version updated for Next.js 13.4.8 [This project will be maintained to
remain current with Next.js @latest until otherwise noted.] This is ready to use
in its current state project is set up with Jest and React Testing Library for
code testing, it has been configured to work with type script. Custom imports
have been set up but are currently not working within the testing enviroment.
Eslint settings still a WOP refining the configs for Jest & Testing Library as
well as Typescript. Uses ESLint to parse to Typescript. Sets specific rules for
for testing envrioment (files within the tests directory or files with names
ending in .spec.js, .test.js, .ts, .jsx, or .tsx). Lots of rule modifications I
collected from a few other react projects. Configured Import Resolver to handle
custom import settings.
🌈 Neon Shadows
Tailwind CSS Settings
Add Husky & Commit Error Catching
npm i
npm run dev
A README page runs on http://localhost:3000 in your browser. This will eventually contain more in depth documentation.[COMING_SOON!]
This project uses
automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font. As a result the SWR
compiler must be used & babel cannot be used.
This project uses Jest and React Testing Library for testing of components, libraries, utilties & application pages
Jest 29.5.0
Jest Enviroment JsDom 29.5.0
Testing Library React 14.0.0
Testing Library Jest-dom 5.16.5
npm install --save-dev jest jest-environment-jsdom @testing-library/react @testing-library/jest-dom
Runs the jest
command; which runs all staged tests
Runs the jest
command with --watch
flag; which runs all tests in watch mode
Runs the jest
command with --coverage
flag; which indicates that test
coverage information should be collected and reported in the output.