
Challenge to solve 90 questions from 6 companies in 30 days. Solved 30/90.

6Companies30Days Challenge

In this repo I am uploading my solutions for 6Companies30Days Challenge by Arsh Goyal

Problem Sets

Goldman Sachs (15/15)
Sr Problems TryIt Status
1 Print Anagrams Together Problem Link
2 Overlapping Rectangles Problem Link
3 Count the subarrays having product less than k Problem Link
4 Run Length Encoding Problem Link
5 Ugly Number Problem Link
6 Greatest Common Divisor of Strings Problem Link
7 Find the position of M-th item Problem Link
8 Total Decoding Messages Problem Link
9 Number following a pattern Problem Link
10 Max 10 numbers in a list having 10M entries Problem Link
11 Find Missing And Repeating Problem Link
12 Squares in N*N Chessboard Problem Link
13 Decode the string Problem Link
14 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Problem Link
15 Array Pair Sum Divisibility Problem Problem Link
Amazon (15/15)
Sr Problems TryIt Status
1 Maximum Profit Problem Link
2 Longest Mountain in Array Problem Link
3 IPL 2021 - Match Day 2 Problem Link
4 Brackets in Matrix Chain Multiplication Problem Link
5 Phone directory Problem Link
6 Maximum of all subarrays of size k Problem Link
7 First non-repeating character in a stream Problem Link
8 Count ways to N'th Stair(Order does not matter) Problem Link
9 Is Sudoku Valid Problem Link
10 Nuts and Bolts Problem Problem Link
11 Serialize and Deserialize a Binary Tree Problem Link
12 Column name from a given column number Problem Link
13 Rotting Oranges Problem Link
14 Burning Tree Problem Link
15 Delete N nodes after M nodes of a linked list Problem Link