Measure weight using a digital USB postage scale.
- Sign up for free trial at
- During signup, request a complimentary 5-pound digital postage scale. Pay $9.99 shipping and handling.
- Before the four-week trial is up, cancel your account and avoid the monthly fee.
$ npm install webscale
In the event of installation trouble, refer to the node-hid documentation.
var WebScale = require('webscale');
var webScale = new WebScale();
webScale.on('change:weight', function(ounces){
console.log(ounces + ' oz.');
See also test-client.js
Called whenever the scale's weight reading changes.
- ounces how much weight is on the scale, in ounces. Can be negative if the scale was tared with weight on it.
Called when the program first starts and connects successfully to the device, or when it reconnects after losing the connection.
Called when the device is unplugged or powered off, and once per reconnect attempt.
An error with the USB device occurred (except disconnections, see above).
- error The error from node-hid.
Disconnect from the USB device.