Human Detection in Surveillance Cameras


The Human Detection in Surveillance Cameras is a real-time project that detects humans in video streams using the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) algorithm. When a human is detected, the system captures an image and sends an email alert. This project is useful for enhancing security in public spaces, monitoring pedestrian traffic, and preventing accidents.


  1. Real-Time Detection: The system continuously analyzes video frames from a camera feed and identifies pedestrians in real time.
  2. Email Alert: Upon detecting a human, the system captures an image and sends an email notification to a specified recipient.
  3. Customizable Parameters: You can adjust detection parameters (e.g., window stride, padding, scale) to fine-tune the system's performance.
  4. Minimal False Positives: The HOG-based approach minimizes false positives, making it suitable for practical applications.


Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)

  • The HOG algorithm computes gradient histograms in local image regions.
  • It represents the shape and texture of objects by analyzing the distribution of gradient orientations.
  • HOG is particularly effective for detecting pedestrians due to its robustness against variations in lighting and pose.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Install Dependencies:

    • Python 3.x
    • OpenCV
    • smtplib (for email notifications)
     pip install opencv-python imutils
  3. Configure Email Settings:

    • Open
    • Set your Gmail address and password.
    • Update the recipient’s email address (toadd).


  1. Run the human detection script:

  2. Press ‘q’ to exit the program.