
WEB Project

Hey guys let's do this !

There are 7 pages in our website as follows ;

1 index.html(Home page)
2 teasell.html(Online Order Tea)
3 coffeesell.html(Online Order Coffee)
4 teashop.html(Teas' at the shop)
5 coffeeshop.html(Coffees' at the shop)
6 quiz.html(Support the customer to choose a tea)
7 about.html(Address, Tele No, Social Media links etc.)

According to today's(5th July 2019) discussion we divided the 7 topics to 5 members

index.html & quiz - Yashen,Tharusha
teasell.html - Hiruni
coffeesell.html - Amandi
teashop.html & coffeeshop.html - Suchith
about.html - The pair who finished their work first

+-+-+	Download the folder camellia espresso and edit your part	+-+-+				
		After you finished your work please update the main project 
				Best of Luck !!!